The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 157 Restrain me!

Chapter 157 Restrain me!

The location of Mu Yunchen's crew is a little far away.

After the siblings bought the visiting gifts, they hailed a taxi and headed to their destination.

after an hour.

Nanwan Film and Television Base.

It was the first time to come to the shooting scene, not only Quan Rin, but also Quan Jing was full of curiosity.

I don't know if I don't come, I'm startled when I come.

She looked at... There are quite a few tourists here alone.

However, these people can only walk around on the periphery.

Quan Rin stood there, waving his hands to fan himself: "There are so many people, sister, how do we get in?"

Quan Jing was about to speak when the cell phone in her hand rang.

She looked down and saw a string of unfamiliar numbers.

Blinking, swiping to answer.

There was a noisy voice on the other end of the phone, and then Quan Jing's familiar Xiao Yu's voice: "Little Fairy, are you here yet?"

Quan Jing was stunned, and replied belatedly: "Well, we just arrived."

Xiao Yu told them to stand still and not move, and he would come right away.

5 minute later.

Xiao Yu ran to Quan Jing panting, "Little Fairy, I finally found you!"

When Quan Lin saw someone, his eyes widened: "Yu...Brother Yu!" How could he not know Mu Yunchen's assistant!

Hearing someone calling him, Xiao Yu raised his head in a daze, and met Shang Quan Lin's astonished eyes.

Xiao Yu nodded to him: "Hello."

Quan Jing was ashamed to look at his stupid brother's stupid look.

Today's sun is a bit vicious, Xiao Yu couldn't bear to let Quan Jing be exposed to the sun outside: "Little Fairy, let's go in, Brother Mu should be playing right now."

Quan Jing: "Okay."

It was also because Quan Rin's reaction was too much like a little fan boy, and he was abnormally excited.

The security didn't stop Quan Jing, but stopped him...

In the front, Xiao Yu was talking to Quan Jing about interesting things in the crew, but he really ignored Quan Rin.


"Sister! Oh, big sister! Look back at your poor brother Sa!" Quan Rin held the gift in one hand, and waved at his sister's back with the other.

Quan Jing turned around with black lines all over her head.

This idiot...

After all, the other party came with Quan Jing, Xiao Yu walked over and explained a few words to the security guard.

Make sure that Quan Rin is not the media who sneaked in, check it before letting him in.

When the two came to her side, Quan Jing looked at Xiao Yu with an apologetic face: "Brother Yu, my Fat Lin has caused you trouble."

Xiao Yu waved his hands again and again: "No trouble, no trouble, you are being polite, little fairy."

Quan Jing smiled sweetly, and was less polite when facing Quan Rin.

She grabbed Quan Rin's ear with one hand, her voice was too sweet and soft: "Restrain me!"

Quan Rin was wronged: "Oh, oh, sister, I was wrong..."

Seeing the two brothers and sisters fighting, Xiao Yu had a smile in his eyes.

It turns out that the little fairy still has such a side.

After several twists and turns, Quan Jing and Quan Rin finally met Mu Yunchen.

Indeed, as Xiao Yu said, Mu Yunchen had just left the scene.

He was wearing a Lin Xiao-style white shirt, black suit pants, and a black suit in his hand. Obviously, this was the attire for entering the workplace.

Quan Lin noticed Mu Yunchen with sharp eyes, raised his hand, and was about to say hello, when he caught sight of his sister's warning gaze from the corner of his eye, he had to endure it again...

Over there, Mu Yunchen also saw the siblings.

He raised his hand to stop the makeup artist from removing his makeup, and walked towards this side with a smile: "Come?"

Quan Jing smiled sweetly, took the gift from Quan Lin's hand, and handed it to Mu Yunchen: "Senior Mu, a gift for visiting the class for you."

Hearing "Senior Mu" suddenly, Mu Yunchen was stunned.

On the other hand, Quan Rin who was standing aside was at a loss: "Sister, haven't you always been called Uncle Mushen Yunchen?"

 There is another chapter, I will post it when I finish it~
(End of this chapter)

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