Chapter 158

Fortunately, there are only four of them here, so there is no need to worry about being known.

After all, Mu Yunchen has been in the entertainment industry for these years, so he knows why Quan Jing did this.

He didn't correct either: "Thank you for the gift."

Seeing that Mu Yunchen didn't say anything, Quan Lin simply forgot about the address.

In the next second, he took out the gift he gave him, staring at his eyes: "Mushen, this is a gift from me, you must read it!"

Except for the time in Quan Zhai, after that, Quan Rin basically called Mu Yunchen to admire God.

Even when chatting on WeChat, the kid still calls him Envy God.

At the beginning, Mu Yunchen was a little strange.

Later, I learned that Quan Rin is his fan...

After listening to it like this, I got used to it.

There are a lot of people coming and going in the crew, everyone is very busy, it is impossible to pay attention to the sudden addition of two people in the crew.

However, Mu Yunchen is also really busy.

The siblings talked for less than 5 minutes before being called to film the next scene.

I wanted to tell Xiao Yu to take the siblings for a stroll, but Quan Jing shook his head and refused: "No need, we should go too, the family is still waiting for us to go back for lunch."

When Quan Jing mentioned Wen Shuwan at first, Mu Yunchen was also taken aback.

He didn't force it either: "Okay, then when you get home, give me a message and tell me you're safe."

Quan Jing nodded with a smile.

Quan Rin was a little reluctant.

He hasn't even said a few words to his admirer!
Knowing that her Fat Rin's heart is to take a photo with him, Mushen, Quan Jing suggested: "Senior Mu, let's take a photo together?"

For Quan Jing's request, Mu Yunchen never refused: "Okay."

As soon as he heard that there was a group photo, Quan Rin didn't care about whether to leave, his eyes lit up, and his face was excited.

Xiao Yu on the side took Quan Jing's cell phone and took a group photo of the three of them.

Just as he was about to return the phone to Quan Jing, a fat hand stretched out and snatched the phone away.

Quan Rin looked at the group photo happily, smiling from ear to ear.

How happy he is now, how sad Quan Rin is when he leaves the film and television base.

It was hard for him to visit the class once, and he left so early?
What a loss, what a loss!
Quan Jing patted him on the shoulder: "Uncle Yunchen is busy, so let's not disturb his work. If there is a chance, we can invite him to come and sit at home."

When Quan Lin heard it, yes, how could he forget, he can ask Mu Shen to come to play at home!
On the way back, Quan Jing sent the group photo just now to Mu Yunchen and Quan Lin respectively.

Almost as soon as Quan Rin received the photo, he edited a piece of content and posted it on Moments.

Fatty Rin: [Today, I will visit Mushen with my beautiful and generous sister, and have fun, picture jpg]

Quan Jing happened to click into Moments, and as soon as he refreshed, he saw the message Quan Rin just sent.

meeting room.

Nangong silently listened to those high-level officials saying something he couldn't understand, and sullenly lay down on the table and pretended to be dead.

These people are too good at talking!
It's almost an hour, when will it end?
In a place where no one could see, Nangongmo took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and under the table, he quietly clicked on WeChat and checked Moments.


Nangong Mo's eyes widened.

etc!What did he just see?
In the next second, he seemed to have forgotten that he was still in the meeting room, and took out his mobile phone blatantly.


They looked over with a straight line of sight.

Nangong Mo looked up as if aware of something, and met more than twenty pairs of eyes.

He was startled, and the phone fell to the conference table with a bang.

Emma, ​​scared him to death!
(End of this chapter)

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