The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 163 The Rich Uncle

Chapter 163 The Rich Uncle

18 number.

Lanmeng headquarters.

Led by the staff, Han Dongqing and Quan Jing came to the reception room.

After waiting for 10 minutes, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked in.

Behind him was a young man who looked like an assistant.

Seeing the person coming, Han Dongqing was full of astonishment: "Mr. Wu? Why did you come here to sign the contract in person?"

The man called Mr. Wu by Han Dongqing, whose full name is Wu Maoheng, is 53 years old and is now the first controlling shareholder of Lanmeng Pure Water.

His wife Qin Ying, the second daughter of the Qin family, is extremely intelligent and a good helper.

The two have a son and a daughter, the eldest daughter Wu Shiyan and the youngest son Wu Shijie.

The family is happy and harmonious, which is a good story.

Wu Maoheng laughed heartily: "What? I'm not welcome?"

Han Dongqing smiled and stepped forward to shake hands: "Mr. Wu is really joking, how could I not welcome you, it's too late for me to welcome you."

While talking, she introduced him: "Mr. Wu, this is my artiste, Quan Jing."

Looking along the line of sight, Wu Maoheng was taken aback.

this kid...

Quan Jing said hello generously and decently: "Mr. Wu, I am Quan Jing."

The sweet and soft voice fell into his ears, and Wu Maoheng raised his eyes.

The second he saw Quan Jing, his eyes were full of shock: "This...she, she is..."

Originally, after receiving Feng Zhe's call, Wu Maoheng wondered who it was that made Young Master Ting speak in person!
But the girl in front of him, he looked at, was clearly another Wen Shuwan!

Han Dongqing: "Mr. Wu, what's the problem?"

Wu Maoheng came back to his senses, smiled awkwardly but politely: "No, I lost my temper, I'm sorry."

Han Dongqing didn't dare to ask a real power controller to apologize to her, and waved her hands again and again: "Mr. Wu is polite."

Afterwards, Wu Maoheng asked Quan Jing for her own opinion on the shooting of the pure water advertisement.

The more he communicated, he discovered that this child was smarter than he had imagined.

But yes, no matter what, he is also the one who got the national champion.

Thinking of this, Wu Maoheng's heart felt stuffy for a while.

Children from other people's families can be admitted to Diyi Academy after taking the exam casually, but what about the bastards from his family?If it's barely strong, it will be a second copy.

Shame, so shameful!
After the contract was signed, Wu Maoheng planned to keep the two of them down for lunch, but Han Dongqing refused because the company had other business to do.

Before leaving, Wu Maoheng handed Quan Jing a VIP card exclusive to LM.

What else to say, this is a gift from him as an uncle to her.

Quan Jing: "???" Why didn't she know that she had such a rich uncle?
Go back to the nanny van.

Seeing that Quan Jing was still staring at the card, Han Dongqing couldn't help asking, "Do you know Mr. Wu?"

Quan Jing let out an "ah" and shook her head: "I don't know."

Knowing that Quan Jing doesn't like to lie, if she says she doesn't know each other, she definitely doesn't know each other.

after an hour.

Tianyin Media.

Han Dongqing took Quan Jing directly to the artist training room.

On the way, she explained some things: "I found you a dance teacher... I have already said hello to the actress Wen Ying. Also, I will inform you about the follow-up schedule at the commercial shooting side. During this time, Just focus on training."

Quan Jing has no problem: "OK."

She knows that compared to other artists, she is already very free.

Therefore, she didn't want to cause Han Dongqing any more trouble.

Han Dongqing was very busy, so busy that she only explained a few words to the dance teacher before leaving.

Leaving Quan Jing alone, facing a stranger helplessly...

(End of this chapter)

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