The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 164 I don't want to join the company

Chapter 164 I don't want to join the company
Ning Wan looked at the girl standing in front of her and smiled softly: "You are Quan Jing, right? I am your dance teacher, Ning Wan. By the way, have you ever learned dance before?"

The soft and gentle voice, like a gust of wind, blows into Quan Jing's ears.

She raised her eyes slightly, and met a gentle smiling face.

Different from Wen Shuwan's elegance, Ning Wan is elegant.

Perhaps, it has something to do with her natural dance practice, and the way she speaks is also lazy.

With just one sentence, Quan Jing had a [-]% affection for her: "Hello, Teacher Ning, I am Quan Jing, and I have never learned dance before."

She was very polite and answered Ning Wan's questions one by one.

Afterwards, Ning Wan asked Quan Jing to follow her to do a few moves.

The action is very simple.

It is nothing more than the basic movements of some dances such as splits, back bending, leg pressing, etc.

Maybe, there are really some people who are born to eat the stage.

With just a few movements, Ning Wan saw Quan Jing's plasticity.

Her posture may not be standard, but her flexibility and seriousness are not comparable to ordinary people.

Ning Wan glanced at the time on the wall, it was 10:36, there was still more than an hour before the company opened for dinner at twelve o'clock...

She clapped her hands: "Quan Jing, you don't have much time in the morning, so you should practice the basic skills first, and we will start the next step in the afternoon."

Quan Jing has no objection: "Okay, Teacher Ning."

After lunch, as soon as he walked to the door of the training room, Quan Jing received a call from home.

As soon as she connected, Quan Rin's aggrieved voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sister! Oh, my mother confiscated my mobile phone! You need to help me..."

Quan Jing: "..." What happened?
It turned out that Quan Rin went downstairs after Han Dongqing picked up Quan Jing early in the morning.

Seeing this guy with big dark circles under his eyes, Wen Shuwan was very angry.

Just at this time, the butler gave him the courier he forgot to hand over to Quan Rin.

Quan Rin took it in a daze, and when he saw his acceptance letter inside, his eyes widened.

He accepted!Really admitted!

Seeing him so happy, Wen Shuwan couldn't help asking.

Wen Shuwan was actually happy when she learned that Quan Rin was also admitted to Diyi Academy.

But when she asked what major this guy chose...

Well, she became angry all of a sudden.

This dead boy, okay, don't choose commerce, but choose some computer!

What is he trying to do?
So Wen Shuwan spoke and confiscated all of Quan Rin's electronic equipment.

No matter how much he cries or howls, it's useless!
Quan Lin had no choice but to call his sister for help.

After hearing what Quan Lin said, Quan Jing burst into laughter: "Fat Lin, did you play games all night last night?"

Quan Rin hesitated, but finally admitted.

He's just so boring...

Quan Jing shook her head helplessly: "Fat Lin, I have no objection to you playing games, but you have to be restrained." Playing like this every day, it's no wonder if you don't get criticized!
Quan Lin muttered softly: "Then I don't want to join the company..."

The voice was very soft, and Quan Jing couldn't hear clearly: "Huh? What did you just say?"

There are some things that Quan Rin is not easy to tell Wen Shuwan, but he knows everything about Quan Jing.

Simply, he said directly: "Sister, I don't want to join the company."

Quan was stunned.

Since she was a child, she knew that the future Quan's group would be given to Quan Rin.

It will be a matter of time before he will join the company.

Hearing Quan Rin's mention at this moment, she subconsciously asked, "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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