The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 179 Sis, Something Big Has Happened!

Chapter 179 Sis, Something Big Has Happened!

The second day of the show.

Seeing the negative comments on Quan Jing on the Internet, Chen Jinsong's eyes widened.

How is this going?

When Han Dongqing called him to reserve a place before, she had expressed her attitude to him. She said that Quan Jing came to study, not because of the popularity.

Therefore, these things cannot be done by Tianyin.

Moreover, there are so many unsightly trash and swear words, unless... Tianyin wants to ruin her artist.

Knowing the depths of the entertainment industry, she never expected that someone would slander an innocent little girl like this.

That girl Quan Jing looks pretty good, well-behaved and sensible, much better than those disobedient big-name stars.

"That...Director Chen, is Quan Jing's personal interview still on air?" The assistant ran over and asked in a low-key manner.

Apparently, the assistant also saw the evaluation of Quan Jing by the group of people on the Internet.

Chen Jinsong glared at the assistant: "Broadcast, why not broadcast?"

The assistant hesitated: "But Director Chen, those comments on the Internet..."

He couldn't believe that Director Chen hadn't seen what those people on the Internet were saying.

Chen Jinsong patted the assistant's head without hesitation: "You've been with me for so long, why haven't you learned anything? Just that little girl, Quan Jing, who is pretty and sensible, who is not popular with her?"

The assistant nodded half-understanding: "But, those people..."

Chen Jinsong waved his hands with a look of disgust: "Okay, you don't have to worry about those people on the Internet, they are all full and have nothing to do, so you should do whatever you want."

at the same time.

Mu Yunchen, who returned to the filming crew, also knew about the Internet.

Originally, Xiao Yu stood on the side and swiped Weibo boredly.

Brushing and brushing, he saw someone verbally attacking his little fairy.

He just spit out such a sentence "shameless", and it was so appropriate that it was heard by Mu Yunchen who had just finished the play...

After asking, I found out that there are people hacking on the Internet.

Mu Yunchen frowned.

He took his mobile phone and switched to a small account to log in to Weibo.

Enter the word "quanjing" in the search bar.

Underneath, a large piece appeared in an instant.

The more he looked at him like this, the more ugly Mu Yunchen's expression became.

He couldn't imagine how distressed Wen Shuwan would be if she saw these comments.
It's a good thing she's gone, and she hasn't registered on Weibo.

Not knowing what to think of, Mu Yunchen's expression froze.

In the next second, he called Quan Jing.

Unfortunately, the phone shows that it is in the middle of a call...

At that time, Quan Jing was talking to Nalan Yin.

Nalanyin's tone was the same as that of the domineering female president Fan Er: "Jing Zai, don't worry, my sister will help you find these people! His grandma, who dares to bully my lady, is really tired... ..."

Just as Quan Jing woke up from her sleep, she received a call from Nalan Yin.

In a daze, she seemed to hear Nalan Yin comforting her?

Later, the more she listened, the more confused she became...

Until just now, Quan Rin opened the door and came in, yelling, "Sister, something big happened! You have been hacked!"

Nalanyin on the other end of the phone also heard it, cursed Quan Rin secretly, and continued to mutter something to Quan Jing.

This said, it took almost two hours.

Quan Jing rubbed her head, her voice was as sweet and soft as usual: "Sister Yinyin, are you finished?"

Nalanyin was taken aback, and subconsciously said, "No..."

No, it has nothing to do with her not finishing!

She was about to continue speaking, but she heard, "Fat Lin, Sister Yinyin is looking for you."

Then, Quan Rin's carefree voice came from the phone: "Hey, sister Yinyin, what do you want from me?"

Nalanyin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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