The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 180 Hello, That's Good

Chapter 180 Hello, That's Good
After finally coaxing Nalanyin to hang up the phone, another call came in.

Quan Jing: "..." Are these people all appointments?

She glanced at it, and threw the phone directly to Quan Rin: "Fat Rin, answer the call for me, I'll go wash up."

Quan Rin looked down at the call notification: "!!!" Aww!It is he who admires God!
Without further ado, he swiped to answer, and called out excitedly: "Mushen!"

Mu Yunchen on the other end of the phone was startled, and he said after a while: "It's Quan Lin, where's your sister?"

Quan Rin: "My sister is washing her face."

Mu Yunchen was stunned.

wash your face?

Without waiting for Mu Yunchen to speak again, Quan Lin's chirping voice sounded: "Mushen, did you also find my sister for the Internet? Let me tell you, my sister is fine..."

Balabara's words also let Mu Yunchen know that Quan Jing is in good condition now.

That's right, I still remember the first time he saw Quan Jing, that child, she was very calm.

But... These online violence are really pervasive, and he is still a little worried.

Just as she was thinking about it, a sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Uncle Yun Chen."

Before Mu Yunchen had time to respond, the girl's helpless voice came again: "I know what you want to say, I'm fine, I haven't been knocked down by those comments on the Internet, and I won't take it to heart."

Hearing the girl's words, Mu Yunchen chuckled: "Hello, that's good. If that's the case, I can feel relieved."

Mu Yunchen's voice was pleasant, and even Quan Jing couldn't help being stunned by this smile.

The two chatted for a while before ending the call.

The siblings were about to go downstairs when the mobile phone held by Quan Jing rang again.

She lowered her head and took a look. It was Han Dongqing.

Just as I was about to answer the call, the phone turned off automatically when it ran out of power.

Quan Jing and Quan Rin looked at each other, a trace of embarrassment flashed in their eyes.

She went back to her room to charge her phone.

As soon as the screen turned on, she reached out to Quan Rin: "Fat Rin, lend me your phone."

Quan Rin didn't ask any questions, just took out his phone and handed it to her.

Quan Jing clicked on the address book, pressed Han Dongqing's mobile phone number, and dialed it.

As soon as the call was connected, Quan Jing was the first to speak out: "Sister Han, it's me, my phone is out of battery."

When Han Dongqing heard that it was Quan Jing, she hurriedly said, "Quan Jing, you must not go online these days, do you understand? Don't answer calls from strangers! Wait for the limelight to pass..."

After talking a lot, Han Dongqing realized that Quan Jing seemed too calm.

She still doesn't know anything?
It shouldn't be, there has been a lot of trouble on the Internet all night, even if she doesn't read Weibo anymore, she should know something.

Han Dongqing: "Quanjing, do you... know what happened online?"

Quan Jing's eyes were slightly startled.

In the next second, she smiled, and said indifferently: "I know, I heard that a lot of people are scolding me, saying that I have a gold master behind me, saying that I am pretending, saying that I..."

Listening to Quan Jing's detailed count of what those sunspots on the Internet said, Han Dongqing couldn't help but close her eyes.

Han Dongqing opened his eyes again, his eyes were clear: "Don't listen to their nonsense, you and I know who you are. Quan Jing, remember, anyone can deny you, but you can't! You don't have to worry about this matter, leave it to Sister Han."

When Han Dongqing was about to hang up the phone, Quan Jing said in a low voice: "Sister Han, thank you." Thank you for believing in me.

To be honest, Quan Jing felt a little sad.

She never thought that people's hearts could be so bad.

What enmity and resentment do she have with them?
For them to belittle her so much?Even saying that about her...

(End of this chapter)

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