The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 181 Promotion on All Platforms

Chapter 181 Promotion on All Platforms

Five days in a row.

Quanjing's drafts are everywhere on the Internet.


Those sunspots became more and more presumptuous when they saw that no one came out to take care of them.

Some people even released unsightly and indecent photos, saying that it was Quan Jing!

Shi Xiaowei is such a perverted fan who is purely black for the sake of being black.

That indecent photo was randomly found by him, and he posted it with Quan Jing's face.

While watching the show, he wanted to do that.

So innocent on the surface, but secretly he doesn't know how to shake his head and tail.

As soon as the photo was posted, it was quickly forwarded by over a thousand people, and it was even on the hot searches!

He felt elated.

Tsk, look, look, these people are here to show off...

Lingyun Group.

Nangong Yuting threw a bunch of photos on Feng Zhe's face with a stern expression: "What's going on? Didn't I tell you to look at it! Where did these photos come from?"

Feng Zhe picked up the photo, and after seeing the picture clearly, he was terrified.

Even though he knew it wasn't Quan Jing, he quickly carried the photo over, revealing the white background behind: "Boss, I..."

Seeing Feng Zhe like this, Nangong Yuting's anger intensified.

Just now, his secretary sent him a courier.

He thought it was something important.


Thinking of this, Nangong Yuting threw all the documents on the table to the ground, and angrily reprimanded: "Don't let me check it!"

After half an hour.

Feng Zhe returned to the office and reported everything he found.

Nangong Yuting: "The whole network is hacked? You have been scolded for a week?"

Feng Zhe was so scared that his face was covered with sweat: "Yes... yes."

On the night when "Enjoy Music" was broadcast, Nangong Yuting received a call temporarily, booked the last flight of the day, flew to New York, and only returned to Nanshi this morning.

There are so many things in the company these days, Feng Zhe is too busy, how can he pay attention to Quan Jing.

As a result, he only just found out about Quanjing being hacked...

Nangong Yuting clenched her fists tightly, her brows and eyes were scarlet: "Feng Zhe! What did I tell you before I left?"

His circle, he actually let his circle fall to such an extent!

Feng Zhe raised his head abruptly, admitting his mistake: "Boss, it's all my fault, I..."

However, Nangong Yuting doesn't want to talk to him now: "Get lost."

Feng Zhe opened his mouth, as if about to say something.

Seeing Nangong Yuting's eagle-like sharp eyes shooting over, he silently left the office knowing he was wrong.

In this matter, he was indeed wrong...

As soon as Feng Zhe left, Nangong Yuting directly took the landline and called Kong Xiao.

The phone rang for a minute and no one answered, Nangong Yuting's temper became more and more irritable.

This damned Long Ya, when he is not looking for him, he is more active than anyone else. When he is looking for him, no one else knows where he is?

Nangong Yuting hung up and called again.

This time, the call was connected quickly.

Without waiting for the other party to open his mouth, he spoke sharply and with incomparable strength: "Longya, release "You Under the Starry Sky" now, immediately, immediately, promote it on all platforms, and ask JY Times to reimburse you for the money you spent. Remember, you must Let the whole internet know..."

Assistant Kong Xiao on the other end of the phone: "???"

After being stunned for a while, the other party replied: "Who are you?" And promoted it on all platforms, does he think he is JY-Yu Dashen?

And this tone, how about acting as a domineering president?
The little assistant couldn't help complaining a few words in his heart.

etc! JY era?And..."You Under the Starry Sky", why do these two names sound so familiar?

(End of this chapter)

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