Chapter 182 Nine Twelve

The little assistant was in a daze when Kong Xiao, who came back from the toilet, opened the door and entered.

Seeing the little assistant holding his phone, Kong Xiao frowned: "Xiao Wang, what are you doing with my phone?"

The assistant called Xiao Wang quickly handed over the phone: "Editor-in-Chief, this person said that he wants you to release "You Under the Stars" immediately, and that he wants to promote it on all platforms, so you..."

Before he finished speaking, Kong Xiao grabbed the phone and called out cautiously, "Boss?"

Unexpectedly, there was a beeping sound on the phone.

Kong Xiao: "..."

He turned his head and glared at the little assistant: "You're fooling me, no one is there."

With that said, Kong Xiao will also jump to the mobile phone screen on the home page and hand it to the little assistant.

The little assistant flipped through the call log and found a string of numbers that hadn't been noted on the top: "Editor-in-Chief, this is it, look for yourself..."

Kong Xiao looked down, and there really was a strange call.

His expression was fixed, and he waved his hand: "Okay, I understand. If you have nothing to do, you can go out first."

Xiao Wang pouted, left the office, and closed the door by the way.

Just now he heard correctly, the editor-in-chief seemed to yell "Boss" to the other end of the phone?
The only one who can be called by the editor-in-chief, the entire Youman, is...JY-御!
God, he just had a phone call with a god-level boss!
But... what did he say to the boss, tragedy...

Hearing the sentence "Who are you" on the phone, Nangong Yuting frowned fiercely.

He glanced at the phone number he dialed out, yes, it was Kong Xiao's.

But the person opposite was not Kong Xiao.

So, he hung up the phone directly.

Click on WeChat and send a message to Kong Xiao.

Here, Kong Xiao was feeling depressed when his cell phone rang.

Then he received a WeChat message from JY-御.

【Quick call】

Kong Xiao: "..." Boss, I have convinced you too.

After Feng Zhe struggled with the strange number just now, Kong Xiao decided to dial the strange number first.

After all, his little assistant will never talk about "You Under the Stars" for no reason.

Soon, the phone was picked up.

Kong Xiao called out subconsciously: "Boss?"

Nangong Yuting let out a "hmm", but his tone was still a bit uncomfortable: "That person told you just now."

Kong Xiao scratched his head in embarrassment: "Then what, boss, can you say it again..."

Nangong Yuting frowned, and in the next second, he tapped here and there on the screen.

Then, all the words he said to the little assistant fell into Kong Xiao's ears.

Hearing the voice full of anger, Kong Xiao was a little taken aback, what's wrong with the boss?Why do you feel so angry?
Also, why does he feel that the boss did this on purpose, as if he was going to do something great?
After the recording was finished, Nangong Yuting didn't talk nonsense: "You can go to Feng Zhe directly in the future."

Kong Xiao continued to be confused: "Who is Feng Zhe?"

Responding belatedly, Kong Xiao suddenly realized: "It turns out that the boss's assistant is called Feng Zhe, okay, then boss, look, what time do you want to release your new work?"

As early as a day ago, Kong Xiao received the first painting of "You Under the Starry Sky".

The style of painting, the plot, are simply beautiful.

It really is Mrs. Yu, a fairy painter!

Nangong Yuting wanted to say casually, but finally set a time: "Twelve past nine."

Kong Xiao thought it was night, and reckoned that there would be enough time to arrange it now: "Okay, I will arrange it now, and the whole network will be available at night..."

The words were only half spoken when they were directly interrupted: "Morning."

Kong Xiao answered subconsciously, and then his eyes widened: "Go...morning! Boss, are you right?"

(End of this chapter)

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