Chapter 227

Chen Yi's feet were shoulder to shoulder, his hands were behind his back, his back was straight, and he looked forward: "Report to the imperial team."


The chair was pulled away, and Nangong Yuting sat down expressionlessly, his voice was as cold as the ice and snow in midwinter: "What's the matter?"

Although we haven't seen each other for many years, Chen Yi still shivered suddenly upon hearing this sound.

The aura of the imperial team really hasn't changed at all!
Chen Yi held his head high and his chest high, and his voice was loud: "All members of the first team have completed their training tasks in the morning. Please show me to the imperial team."

Nangong Yuting glanced at the time, it was 11:42.

He squinted: "All members, gather in line."

Chen Yi: "Yes!"

Queue collection.

Stand in a military posture and sing red songs.

With the permission of the instructor, each class lined up in an orderly manner to eat in the cafeteria.

After lunch, it is free time.

Other people in the class were not familiar with Quan Jing, so she said something politely, and she was ready to go back to the dormitory.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Sheng Ke finished the rest of the meal in twos and twos, and chased after her.

But at the entrance of the cafeteria, he saw the scene where Quan Jing was stopped by someone.

Sheng Ke raised his eyebrows and was about to walk over when he heard, "Sister, the instructor in your class... looks like Uncle Nangong."

Quan Jing couldn't help but cast a glance at his stupid brother, and walked forward: "It seems like it is him."

Quan Lin scratched his head and chased after him: "What? It's really him!"

Although he really didn't want to admit it, the other party was indeed Nangong Yuting.

Quan Jing could not deny this.

Sheng Ke was stunned when he heard the word "Nangong".

Is it the Nangong she knows?

Looking at the backs of Quan Jing and Quan Rin, Sheng Ke looked thoughtful.

On the way, Quan Lin chattered to Quan Jing about the three roommates he just met.

Quan Jing had something hidden in her heart, and she answered every word without saying a word.

After sending his sister back to the dormitory downstairs, Quan Rin turned and left.

at the same time.

Feng Zhe was going crazy.

The boss is also true, leaving such a large family business alone, why does he have to run to become a military training instructor for some university?
It's all right now, all the calls are urging him to come!
No, just as Feng Zhe hung up the phone, he immediately dialed Nangong Yuting's cell phone number.

However, the call shows that there is no answer for the time being.

Feng Zhe: "???" No, where did the boss go!

Just as I was mad, there was a new call on my phone.

Feng Zhe was about to turn off the phone, but when he saw the notification of an incoming call, his expression immediately changed.

Swipe to answer: "Boss, there are several projects in the company that need your signature..."

This chatter lasted for 10 minutes.

Knowing that he still wanted to continue talking, Nangong Yuting frowned and interrupted him: "Those important projects are put on hold for now, and I will deal with them when I come back. It's not important, you can figure it out."

The corner of Feng Zhe's mouth twitched: "No way, boss, some of these projects have already started, so..."

Nangong Yuting rubbed the center of his brows: "Then send it over, I'll take care of it when I have time."

Feng Zhe breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it: "Good boss."

Xu is that the project is really urgent, Feng Zhe came very quickly.

When he found Nangong Yuting, Feng Zhe couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This...why is the boss dressed like this?
I have to say that Nangong Yuting in military uniform is really sassy.

Even Feng Zhe, a straight steel man, felt that his boss was so cool at that moment!
After seeing no movement from Feng Zhe for a long time, Nangong Yuting said coldly, "Where's the thing?"

The icy voice fell into his ears, and Feng Zhe trembled all over, and quickly handed over the project contract in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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