The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 228 Do You Have a Girlfriend

Chapter 228 Do You Have a Girlfriend
Nangong Yuting's work efficiency is very fast.

In just 10 minutes, those things that seemed difficult to Feng Zhe were solved so easily.

When receiving the documents, Feng Zhe hesitated and asked, "Boss, are you planning to stay until the freshmen's military training is over?"

Nangong Yuting raised his eyebrows: "Is there a problem?"

Feng Zhe waved his hands again and again: "No! No problem." How dare he have a problem.

It's just that he doesn't understand, how many identities does the boss have?
This is both a comic book hit and an instructor. Next time, will there be a mayor or something?
I also know that the military training time is too long, and he is not in the company for a long time, which will cause panic in the company.

Nangong Yuting thought for a while, and said to Feng Zhe: "After twelve o'clock at noon, I have two hours to spare."

Feng Zhe raised his eyes, which means...he can come to report work at noon!

In this way, I don't have to worry about those people urging him all the time.

After staying in Diyi for a while, Feng Zhe went back to the company.

Military training is very tiring, but very fulfilling.

Standing at attention, taking a rest, marching, walking in unison, walking forward, running, and stepping, including standing still, squatting, standing up, counting in order, saluting, saluting, straddling...

These seemingly simple actions are repeated countless times every day.

Fortunately, there is a short break in between.

Otherwise, people would be overwhelmed under such a hot sun!
With the development of the new era, mobile phones are now allowed in military training.

However, most of the time, mobile phones are still "tools" used by instructors to restrain students.

It's like when standing in a military posture, the instructor will make people hold mobile phones on their heads.

This is to remind you not to move around.

Otherwise...the phone will drop.

At first, the students were not very familiar with the instructors, and all of them trained in a well-behaved manner.

At the back, someone took advantage of the instructor's inattention and took various sneak shots...

Naturally, Quan Jing was also captured.

Someone even posted a photo of Quan Jing wearing a military training uniform on the Internet.

For a while, it caused heated discussions.

As a result, in the next few days, people often pass by the training point of the animation design professional class on an excuse, just to take a look at Quan Jing!
After learning about the Internet fermentation, Nangong Yuting directly ordered to confiscate the students' mobile phones.

For a while, the freshmen complained incessantly.

As everyone knows, Nangong Yuting's heart is more bitter than anyone else's.

These days of military training, he doesn't even have a chance to be alone with his girl!

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that Quan Jing always has a reason to avoid him...

Soon, more than a month of military training is coming to an end.

Tomorrow, these instructors will leave Diyi Academy.

After getting along for more than a month, we all have feelings.

Besides, a freshman majoring in animation design, a bold girl, asked Nangong Yuting a word.

She asked, "Instructor, do you... have a girlfriend?"

Nangong Yuting was startled, and subconsciously glanced at Quan Jing in the crowd.

In order not to attract attention, he purposely glanced at the girls next to her, then withdrew his gaze, and replied, "No."

Deep voice, with a little mature charm.

A girl was so excited that she grabbed the hands of the people around her and said boldly, "Instructor, can I add you on WeChat?"

This time, Nangong Yuting didn't hesitate: "Sorry, I don't play WeChat."

After saying these words, Quan Jing couldn't help but look at him.

He doesn't use WeChat?Who is that fat man!

Sure enough, a man's mouth is a deceiving ghost.

At the right time, a sentence rang in her ear: "You know the instructor."

Quan Jing raised her eyes in surprise, and met Sheng Ke's black eyes that were as dazzling as black jewels.

(End of this chapter)

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