The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 293 His girl is most afraid of the cold

Chapter 293 His girl is most afraid of the cold

The group of girls not far away felt ashamed when they saw Quan Jing in front of Nangong Yuting.

In terms of appearance, Quan Jing is recognized as a school belle.

In terms of IQ, Quan Jing is the number one in the country.


Especially, when facing Quan Jing, that unsmiling man could not hide the tenderness in his eyes.

They are not fools, and they know very well that this man with outstanding temperament is probably here for Quan Jing.

To the people around Quan Jing, Nangong Yuting is still very gentlemanly.

He pursed his lips and nodded towards them. His low and hoarse voice sounded from this side: "Excuse me, can you let me talk to her alone for a while?"

Sheng Ke is the one who knows best.

Looking at Quan Jing's appearance, although she didn't know why her attitude changed so quickly, she still gave the two of them space.

Chi Yutong was completely immersed in Nangong Yuting's prosperous beauty, and completely lost the ability to think.

Ye Qingqing is somewhat rational.

She nodded politely towards the other party, and pulled Chi Yutong away.

Soon, Quan Jing and Nangong Yuting were left in place.

The people who had gathered downstairs in the girls' dormitory also slowly dispersed.

Instead, Liu Xiaoting stood there, looking at the two people standing together, one hand clenched tightly into a fist.

There was jealousy in those eyes.

Quan Jing, why should she?
Of course, no one paid attention to her.

The night in early autumn is slightly cool, and the cold wind blows, blowing a strand of clean hair.

Nangong Yuting took off his suit jacket and put it on Quan Jing: "It's cold at night, why don't you wear more?"

His girl is most afraid of the cold.

Quan Jing took a sip of her nose and said sweetly, "It's okay, it's not too cold. By the way, why are you here?"

When she looked up at him, Nangong Yuting clearly saw the scar on her neck.

So obvious, so... glaring.

Almost instantly, Quan Jing was keenly aware of the changes in Nangong Yuting.

She looked up again, and saw the distress and anger flashing in his eyes.

Quan Jing was stunned.

Before she could see clearly, Nangong Yuting stretched out his hand, seemingly suppressing something, and finally clenched his fist behind his back, and his low voice rang out.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

The voice was very soft, as if she was afraid that if he mentioned it, she would hurt.

Knowing what he was talking about, Quan Jing smiled and shook her head: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

That's what he said, but Nangong Yuting only felt a twinge in his heart.

Already... no more pain?

That said, it still hurts!
Thinking of this, Nangong Yuting's whole body was full of sinister aura.

That damn guy actually made his girl hurt!

Nangong Yuting did not stay with Di Yi for long.

After the two walked around the campus, he sent Quan Jing back to the dormitory.

He didn't turn around until he couldn't see Quan Jing, took out his phone from his pocket, and sent a message to Quan Rin.


Quan Rin ran out wearing a coat.

From a distance, he saw Nangong Yuting standing under the elm tree.

Quan Rin stepped forward and called out, "Uncle Nangong."

Nangong Yuting frowned slightly, ignored his address, and said very seriously: "What happened to your sister's neck injury?"

In front of Quan Jing, he couldn't ask carefully.

But it doesn't mean that he will let the person who hurt her go!
Quan Rin blinked, and at the moment when the other party looked at him with a cold gaze, he said everything he knew in a crackling way like pouring beans.

Nangong Yuting rubbed the center of his brows, interrupting the chattering child: "Get to the point."

Quan Rin is very innocent: "Well, the point sister is safe now, and the bald man is gone too."

Nangong Yuting: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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