The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 294 Is this temper tantrum still alive?

Chapter 294 Is this temper tantrum still alive?

After getting the answer she wanted, Nangong Yuting left Di Yi coldly.

Looking at the back of him going away gracefully, Quan Rin pursed his lips: "Is that... leaving?"

After staying there for a while, Quan Rin shrugged and turned back to his dormitory.

the other side.

In the [-]-square-meter small rented house, Kong Xiao scratched his head and scratched his head, extremely anxious.

Today is the 12th, and there are less than five hours left before the time he agreed with Bawang Chu!

Ah, crash!

Boss, big brother, you must not lose the chain at the critical moment!

[The "You Under the Starry Sky" you are chasing has been updated to the latest painting...]

Kong Xiao stared wide-eyed.

He clicks in...

Fuck, the boss really updated it!

Kong Xiao instantly recited "Namo Amitabha Buddha" countless times, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

It's really not easy for him.

He looked down at the update time.

19: 12.

Staring at the "12" for a long time, Kong Xiao was slightly taken aback.

How does he feel, the boss seems to be particularly keen on the number "12"?
The previous launch was at [-]:[-], and the latest one is at [-]:[-].

On a whim, Kong Xiao took the notebook, logged into the background, and checked the update time of the second painting.

It's okay, okay, the second drawing is at 10:21.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang suddenly, startling Kong Xiao.

He clutched his little heart, took the mobile phone on the table, and couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw the note.

This overlord of Chu, he really has nothing to do, he knows to keep an eye on him every day!
How much complaints I have in my heart, and how doggy when I answer the phone: "Hey, Mr. Chu, the boss just posted the latest painting, what else do you want?"

Afterwards, Kong Xiao listened to Chu Overlord, no, Chu Xingzhi said on the phone: "You are lucky this time, if JY-Yu is not updated in another five hours, you..."

Kong Xiao took over his words and interrupted him: "I know, pack up and leave, I will remember."

Chu Xingzhi hummed, and changed the subject: "By the way, how is the filming of the TV series "Where I Met You" going?"

Knowing that Kong Xiao had been following up on this matter, Chu Xingzhi asked directly.

Speaking of this, Kong Xiao immediately became serious: "What the boss means is that no matter the size of the role, only the right person is selected, so there are still some roles that have not been selected."

Chu Xingzhi: "Have you decided yet?"

Kong Xiao: "Yes. It's not just the boss who insisted, that director Su also insisted on waiting for all the people to be found before starting filming..."

Speaking of this, Kong Xiao can even imagine how ugly Chu Xingzhi's face is.

Originally, when JY Times bought the copyright of the TV series "Where Can't Me Meet You", Chu Xingzhi still thought that he could "earn" a fortune from it.

That guy JY-Yu, it’s fine if he doesn’t pay him the derivative copyright fee. He has to get some TV drama copyright, right?

Good guy, the other party didn't talk to him directly, and pointed out that he was looking for Longya.

This dragon tooth is not Kong Xiao.

God knows that when Kong Xiao saw Chu Xingzhi, he took a detour.


"When is it so late to start filming! Why is the efficiency of this group of people so poor? I'm really pissed off..."

Chu Xingzhi talked a lot over there, and Kong Xiao simply pressed the handset on the phone, put it on the table, and went to the bathroom by himself to avoid suffering from the magic sound.

After talking about it for about 5 minutes, a sound came from the microphone: "Kong Xiao, where is he? Where did he die?"

Kong Xiao who just came out of the bathroom: "..." Is this temper tantrum cured?
(End of this chapter)

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