The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 295 Mobai Yusheng

Chapter 295 Mobai Yusheng
It's not just Kong Xiao, there are a lot of fans following the update.

Almost as soon as the system update notification popped up, tens of thousands of people clicked in to watch it.

An Yimo is one of them.

After waiting for more than a month, Mrs. Yu finally updated, they are not easy!

Different from other comic authors, JY-御 no matter which work or drawing is 12 pages that cannot be broken.

His style of painting, his plot, and even his character design.

Every frame, every scene, every thing, seems to have imprinted the soul deeply in my mind, which cannot be erased...

Like the latest painting from Starry Sky.

It tells the scene where the male protagonist Mo Bai meets the female protagonist Yu Sheng, and the background is an amusement park.

Yu Sheng held cotton candy in one hand and candied haws in the other. Wearing a hat with rabbit ears, he ran around the playground like a little bunny.

Running in a hurry, she bumped into a figure, which was Mo Bai.

Under the ferris wheel.

The boy was supporting the girl with one hand and holding a lollipop in his mouth. At first glance, it seemed that he was playing hooligans.

Taking a closer look, this naughty boy is actually quite a gentleman.


God knows, when countless girls saw this painting, they all replaced themselves as Yu Sheng.

The handsome and ruffian long-legged Oppa is simply too charming!

Of course, some people pay attention to love, some focus on the plot, and some only care about the painting style...

But no matter what it is, JY-Yu, he never seems to disappoint.

After finishing the third painting, An Yimo clicked on WeChat excitedly, and told Quan Jing her impressions after seeing it.

She has never had such a small heart thumping like now.

Emma, ​​Mrs. Yu is simply a fairy boss!

This picture full of pink heart bubbles made her sour.

Quan Jing, who was washing up, heard the phrase "Little Fairy, someone is looking for you" from time to time.

When people said it seven or eight times, Quan Jing popped out half of his head from the bathroom: "Who is looking for me?"

Chi Yutong approached the mobile phone on her table, glanced at it, and said, "It's a person named 'Momo'."

Quan Jing blinked, Momo?

After applying the last cream, Quan Jing walked out of the bathroom.

Walking to the square table, she pulled out the chair, sat down, unlocked the phone screen, clicked on WeChat, and saw a series of messages from An Yimo.

Quan Jing: "..."

After reading the message from An Yimo, Quan Jing raised her eyebrows slightly.

Speaking of it, she is really not a qualified manga fan.

Maybe it's because JY-Yu's update time is too unstable, or maybe it's something else, she is not as timely as An Yimo to catch up with the update.

Because she didn't watch the update, she couldn't express her opinion.

So, she quit WeChat and clicked on the Youchuang Comics app.

After watching the update, Quan Jing was a little stunned by JY-Yu's "romantic".

At that moment, Quan Jing's mind was filled with the news from An Yimo.

After being stunned for a full 10 minutes, Quan Jing suddenly woke up.

She lowered her eyes and read the words An Yimo said again.

Momo: [Yu Sheng is so cute and cute, I want to hug her]

Momo: [Emma, ​​who said that Mo Bai is a bad guy, look at that gentleman's hand, I love it]

Momo: [Old man's girlish heart! ! ! 】

Momo: […]

After staring at those words for a moment, Quan Jing tapped the screen a few times before replying.

How should I put it, it is really a blessing to have a little sister who can accompany you to discuss the plot together.

This is what An Yimo thinks at the moment.

The two chatted for half an hour, and a new call came in from Quan Jing's phone...

(End of this chapter)

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