Chapter 301
Until Quan Jing and his group were no longer visible, Ge Qian looked at her actress with a curious face: "Did you know Quan Jing before?"

Qin Jia shook her head.

Ge Qian: "Then why did you tell her your contact information and your WeChat ID?"

After replying "It's nothing", Qin Jia stepped forward gracefully towards the studio.

Of course she would not tell Ge Qian that she asked for Quan Jing's number purely because she was curious.

But... the more important point is that she wanted to see what kind of person was able to catch Nangong Yuting's eyes.

That guy is both cold and coquettish, and he hides when he likes someone alone.

If she hadn't met Aye before and chatted with him, she wouldn't have known about it.

This guy actually wants to do big things in silence without telling them!

He was only two years younger than her, he was old-fashioned all day long, not at all as cute as when he was a child.

Because of his previous experience in shooting commercials, Quan Jing didn't need to deliberately look for the camera when shooting the print commercial this time. The moment the camera was on her, the photographer couldn't take his eyes away.

As the words "good, beautiful, perfect" came out of the photographer's mouth one after another, Quan Rin, who was standing outside the working circle, said, "???" Is this person a fool?

For Quan Rin, who has been facing the beauty of the prosperous age since he was a child, he naturally doesn't know the excitement in his heart when he encounters a perfect "work".

In particular, Quan Jing brought a qualitative leap to this work.

That is a sublimation!
When the photographer was shooting, Quan Rin did not forget to take a few pictures of his sister with his mobile phone.

Emma, ​​as expected, is his sister, no matter how she is photographed, and no matter what clothes she wears, the photos she takes are beautiful!

Knowing that Quan Rin came in with Quan Jing.

The staff did not stop him from taking pictures.

After all, those who can come here to shoot are famous stars.

Quan Jing took a total of 6 outfits, and when she finished shooting, it was already three hours later.

"Okay, thank you little fairy for your cooperation, our shooting is over." The photographer saved the last photo taken, and said "OK" to Quan Jing in front of the background cloth.

Xu Shi had such a long time of shooting, Quan Jing didn't complain at all, and even cooperated with him very well. The photographer was in a good mood and praised: "The little fairy is very beautiful today."

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Thank you."

The photographer said "you're welcome" and continued with his work.

The photos are taken, but the follow-up needs to be refined and designed... His workload is quite heavy.

Without disturbing him, under the leadership of Xiao Su, Quan Jing returned to the living room to meet Han Dongqing.

Han Dongqing got up: "It's over? Let's go, I've booked a restaurant nearby, and I'll eat there first."

After working all morning, Quan Jing was also hungry, so she didn't refuse.

Quan Lin hurriedly followed, and had a meal.

Had lunch.

Just as Han Dongqing was about to send the siblings back, Quan Jing's phone rang.

She looked down and saw that it was Uncle Zhou's call.

She gave Quan Lin the phone, turned to look at Han Dongqing: "No need, Sister Han, Uncle Zhou is here, so I won't bother you."

Knowing that Quan Jing was talking about her driver, Han Dongqing didn't force it: "Okay then, send me a message when you get home."

Quan Jing smiled and nodded.

At that time, Quan Rin also ended the call.

He returned the phone to Quan Jing and scratched his head: "Sister, Uncle Zhou said he was waiting for us at the east parking lot."

Quan Jing put away her mobile phone, and the two walked towards the east parking lot...

(End of this chapter)

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