The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 302 Taking Photos with the Elders

Chapter 302 Taking Photos with the Elders

On the way back, Quan Jing took out her mobile phone, and when she saw the red missed call, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten something.

Knowing that Han Dongqing was inconvenient to drive at the moment, instead of calling her, she sent a wechat message.

Circle 3 times: [Sister Han, that Senior Qin's WeChat... I don't need to add it, do I? 】

After sending this WeChat message, Quan Jing thought: Maybe Qin Jia is just being polite?
After staring at the black screen of the phone for a while, Quan Jing remembered the words Quan Rin had muttered before.

She glanced sideways at him.

Quan Rin, who was playing the game with his head down, suddenly felt chilly all over.

He rubbed his ear with his shoulder, and caught his sister's gaze from the corner of his eye: "..."

Quan Rin originally planned to pretend not to see and continue playing the game.


He was the first to lose the battle: "Sister, don't look at me like that..." It's weird.

Quan Jing propped his chin, and said slowly: "Fat Lin, what did you mean at the magazine office?"

However, Quan Rin had long forgotten what he said: "Ah? What did you say?"

Quan Jing: "That's what you said... Senior Qin looks familiar?"

After her reminder, Quan Rin seemed to remember what he said.

He probably said something like this?

Seeing his sister's appearance of swearing not to give up until she figured it out, Quan Rin didn't have the heart to play games.

He quit the game directly, turned off the phone, and thought about it carefully.

He's pretty sure he's seen that face somewhere, but he can't remember it for a moment...

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded.

Quan Jing lowered her head and saw Han Dongqing's reply: "No."

Quan Jing stared at the phone screen, and Quan Rin also stared at it.

Looking at it, he slapped his head: "Sister, I remembered! I saw it in WeChat Moments, wait a minute, I'll look for it for you."

With that said, Quan Rin clicked on his circle of friends and scrolled down.

After searching for a while, he finally found the Moments page with Qin Jia's photo, and handed it to Quan Jing: "Neng, that's the one, and it was stupidly posted. Let me just say, why does it look so familiar!"

Quan Jing doesn't often look at Moments, so he hasn't seen the photo Nangong Mo sent.

In the photo, a group of people are gathered around a table.

Qin Jia stood in the middle with another girl, next to them were Nangong Mo and Xia Houye, and on the other side were Qi Feibai and He Yixuan.

The six of them got very close and laughed happily.

But... at the other side of the table, there was still Nangong Yuting sitting.

He lowered his head and didn't even look at the camera.

Nangong Mo's accompanying text is: [Photo with the elders]

After staring at the "elders" for a while, Quan Jing burst out laughing.

That's right, Nangong Yuting is Nangong Mo's uncle, He Yixuan, she met him once in a western restaurant, Xia Houye, she has seen his play, Qin Jia, she just met today...

As for the other two, she had neither seen nor recognized them.

At the right time, Quan Rin asked, "Sister, do you want me to ask Zhu Mo for you?"

Quan Jing didn't make a sound.

Quan Rin took it as her acquiescence.

He took a screenshot of the circle of friends with the picture, and circled Qin Jia alone, then clicked on the chat window between him and Nangong Mo, and sent a sentence: "Stupid, do you know this person?"

The other party should be playing with the phone, reply in seconds.

[? ? ?Fatty, you ask me what Aunt Jiajia does? 】

Quan Rin: "..." This bastard!

Quan Rin reported to his sister while replying: "Sister, stupidly calling her aunt, it should be relative."

Quan Jing blinked and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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