The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 303 The feeling has changed

Chapter 303 The feeling has changed
She is not very interested in the relationship between Qin Jia and Nangong Mo.

What she minded was what Qin Jia said to her.

Qin Jia said it so casually, obviously, she is familiar with Nangong Yuting.

Quan Jing was inexplicably upset.

Along the way, Quan Jing was silent.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, Quan Jing's vision gradually blurred, and the scene of her childhood flashed in her mind.


Xiao Quanjing, who was separated from her little brother, returned home obediently.

Every afternoon after that, she could always see the boy in the white shirt appearing at her door.

For ten days and a half months, she had a great time every day.

Together with her little brother, she visited all the fun places in Nanshi and ate a lot of delicious snacks.

Until that day, the little brother told her that he was leaving, going to a far, far place, and it would take a long time to come back.


Putting away the memories, Quan Jing showed a wry smile.

If the little brother hadn't left back then, would things be different now?

Although I have learned that the little brother back then is now Nangong Yuting, but that feeling has changed.

Unaware of Quan Jing's inner struggle and entanglement, Nangong Yuting received a message at this time.

There was a sudden sound in the quiet CEO's office, and Nangong Yuting stopped typing on the keyboard.

In just a second, he looked away and glanced at the screen of the phone that hadn't gone dark.

I see.

Qin Jia: [Yu Ting, guess who I saw today? 】

Nangong Yuting frowned, looked away, and continued with the work in hand.

It was already half an hour after he finished processing.

Rubbing his sore neck, he dialed the assistant's internal line: "Let Feng Zhe come over."

dong dong dong.

Nangong Yuting: "Go in."

Feng Zhe pushed open the office door and walked towards his boss: "Boss, are you looking for me?"

Nangong Yuting gave a "hmm" and handed him the printed document: "Give this to Qiao Shuai, he knows what to do."

Feng Zhe lowered his head and took a look, only to see that it said: [The ultimate plan of the TV series "Where I Don't Met You"]

Feng Zhe thought: "???"

Even though there were many doubts, Feng Zhe still did his duty. As a qualified assistant, he replied: "Good boss."

Nangong Yuting waved his hand.

Feng Zhe left the office silently.

Ten seconds later, Nangong Yuting seemed to remember something, casually took the mobile phone he had placed on the desk, unlocked the screen, and clicked into WeChat.

Seeing the message Qin Jia sent him half an hour ago again, he casually replied with "?"

the other side.

Qin Jia, who had just finished filming the commercial, was sitting in the nanny's car, ready to go back to her place of residence.

Ding dong.

The phone rang.

Qin Jia took out her mobile phone from her bag, and saw the message Nangong Yuting sent her.

With a hook of her red lips, she threw Quan Jing's phone number over.

Based on what she knew about Nangong Yuting, he probably thought she was boring and would not reply.


After waiting for a few minutes, the other party was clearly online, but they just didn't reply.

Qin Jia stopped staring and put the phone into her bag.

Looking at the string of numbers sent by Qin Jia, Nangong Yuting frowned fiercely.

He didn't even look at it carefully, he just thought it was Qin Jia's random number, and didn't think about Quan Jing at all.

Secretly spit out "boring", he turned off the phone, got up, walked to the window, and looked out the window...

I really want to, I really want to go back to that summer, back to the day when he and her first met.

That summer was the most unforgettable summer he spent...

(End of this chapter)

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