Chapter 317
Nalanyin lived in three rooms and two halls.

There is a garden at the back and an open-air balcony upstairs.

In a small villa covering an area of ​​[-] square meters, she lives alone, plus a nanny, which is enough.

He supported Nalanyin to sit on the sofa.

Invite Sheng Ke and Nangong Yuting to sit casually.

After a while, the nanny came over with a cup of boiled water and two cups of white tea.

When she turned her head to look at Quan Jing, Aunt Song smiled and said, "Miss Quan Jing, there is no mango juice at home..."

Quan Jing waved her hand: "It's okay, Aunt Song, I'm not thirsty."

Seeing Sheng Ke's puzzled eyes, Quan Jing explained: "I'm not used to drinking the boiled water outside, Sister Yinyin will prepare some mango juice for me at home."

Knowing that Quan Jing drank the water she brought from home at school, Sheng Ke expressed her understanding.

Just like her, she has to chew a few lollipops every day, otherwise she always feels that something is wrong.

Hearing Quan Jing's words, Nangong Yuting thought: It seems that he has to ask Feng Zhe to prepare some pure water or mango juice produced in Finland...

His girl, get rich!
Because Di Yi had a curfew, Quan Jing didn't stay at Nalan Yin's house for long.

Before leaving, she told the nanny: "Aunt Song, I will trouble you to take care of Miss Yinyin for one night today."

Aunt Song nodded: "Miss Quan Jing, don't worry, I will take good care of Miss Nalan."

Quan Jing smiled, stared at Nalan Yin who seemed to be asleep, turned around, and walked away.

Originally, he didn't know why Nangong Yuting kept staring at her.

When they walked out of the community, they saw Feng Zhe who was still waiting there.

Quan Jing turned her head to look at Nangong Yuting.

The other party said inadvertently: "Then what, I have a party near Diyi tonight."

Quan Jing: "..." The reason this person came up with is too bad.

Sheng Ke, who was two steps behind, tactfully did not step forward to disturb them.

Seeing the girl's watery eyes staring at him, Nangong Yuting coughed lightly: "Let's go, I'll see you off."

Quan Jing is not a hypocritical person, what's more, here is still a long way from Di Yi.

Calling a car now will waste a lot of time waiting for the car.

When the time comes back to school, the housekeeper auntie will definitely catch them, and maybe even deduct points from her and A Ke!
Thinking of this, Quan Jing couldn't help shivering.

Forget it, a ready-made car is worthless.

It's just... I'm going to trouble him again.

Like a roundworm in Quan Jing's stomach, Nangong Yuting said softly: "If you think it's troublesome for me, can we have dinner together on the weekend?"

Quan Jing blinked, and then blinked again.

After a while, she let out an "ah", and she was still a little dazed.

However, when she agreed, Nangong Yutingquan patted her head in a great mood, with a doting expression on her face: "Hurry up and get in the car, isn't there a curfew?"

After he mentioned this, Quan Jing nodded repeatedly, bent over, and got into the car.

Sheng Ke followed closely behind.

After Feng Zhe drove for a certain distance...

Quan Jing suddenly realized that Nangong Yuting just patted her head and killed her?

With a bang, Quan Jing's face flushed red.

She leaned her head on the back of the passenger seat, hitting it again and again.

In front of him, a deep and magnetic voice suddenly sounded: "Quanquan, sit down obediently."

Quan Jing: "!!!"

In the next second, she sat there solemnly like an obedient rabbit, motionless.

Seeing this scene through the car rearview mirror, Nangong Yuting felt even better.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the car was very subtle...

Whether it was Feng Zhe, who was driving, or Sheng Ke, who tried his best to reduce his sense of existence, they didn't know anything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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