The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 318 What a Silly Girl

Chapter 318 What a Silly Girl
15 minutes until curfew.

It's late at night now, and with what happened to Quan Jing before, the doorman uncle refuses to let foreign vehicles in at all.

There was no other way, Quan Jing and Sheng Ke had no choice but to get out of the car.

Time was running out, Quan Jing only had time to say "thank you" and show his face to the doorman.

Then, she and Sheng Ke ran back to the dormitory.

There is a distance from the school gate to the dormitory, and it usually takes half an hour to walk.

But now, they have to enter the dormitory building before ten o'clock, otherwise they will be registered by the dormitory auntie!

Seeing the girl running wildly, Nangong Yuting's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Curfew so terrible?
Nangong Yuting didn't look away until Quan Jing was no longer visible, and signaled Feng Zhe to leave.

10 minute later.

Quan Jing and Sheng Ke arrived at the girls' dormitory.

Almost as soon as the two of them arrived, the housekeeper aunt came out.

Seeing the two panting, the auntie in charge smiled cheerfully.

I saw many people who missed the curfew and hid for fear of being penalized by her, but this was the first time I saw someone running back before the curfew.

Auntie Su Guan took a careful look, her eyes fell on Quan Jing's face, she was taken aback.

Hey, isn't this little girl...

Aunt Su Guan took out her mobile phone and clicked on the video her daughter had just sent her.

The little girl in the video is the Quan Jing in front of me!

Just as she was surprised, the auntie's cell phone rang again, and it was from her daughter.

is a text message.

【mom!If you see the little fairy, you must remember to ask for my autograph!sign! ! ! 】

Aunt Suguan: "???" The little fairy my daughter mentioned, is Quan Jing?
The aunt who was in a daze for a moment actually said directly: "Little fairy?"

Quan Jing: "???"

Sheng Ke: "..."

After resting enough, Quan Jing nodded sweetly to the dormitory auntie, and was about to go back to the dormitory with Sheng Ke.

However, before the two of them took two steps, they were stopped: "Wait!"

In the next second, Quan Jing saw Aunt Su Guan going back, and when she came out again, she had a notebook and a pen in her hand.

Quan Jing and Sheng Ke looked at each other with blank eyes.

Didn't they come back before curfew?
What's the dormitory aunt doing?

"Quanjing, right? I remember you. Come on, sign."

Quan Jing thought it was a registration penalty for missing the curfew, frowned slightly, raised his eyes, and said lightly: "Auntie, we came back on time."

Knowing that Quan Jing had misunderstood, a shallow smile appeared on the stern poker face of the dormitory auntie: "Quan Jing, don't be nervous, it's not that Auntie has a daughter, she likes you very much, and has always clamoring for your autograph..."

Quan Jing's mouth twitched.

Immediately, she saw the dormitory aunt showing her the phone chat records.

It was indeed her chat with her daughter.

Signing a name in a panic, Quan Jing was still a little dazed: "Then Auntie, can we go?"

The dormitory aunt looked at the signature, and waved her hand kindly: "Let's go, let's go, if you have any questions, come to Auntie anytime."

Quan Jing nodded politely, dragged Sheng Ke up the stairs, and returned to the dormitory.

On the way, Quan Jing couldn't help but say: "A Ke, just now... it wasn't my eyesight?"

Sheng Ke put his hands in his pockets, looking very cool: "Who knows."

After hearing this, Quan Jing murmured secretly: "Well, I must have misunderstood, how could Auntie Suguan be so talkative!"

Sheng Ke glanced sideways, glanced at her, and shook his head.

what a silly girl...

 Babies, ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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