The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 337 Lawyer's Letter

Chapter 337 Lawyer's Letter

When Quan Jing was practicing on the spot, Weibo was bombarded by lawyers' letters.

One hot search after another was almost all about the lawyer's letter.

As a result, Han Dongqing's phone was blown up!
Not only Han Dongqing, but the phone of Tianyin executives and even Nalanyin kept ringing.

Because of drunkenness, even though Aunt Song took care of her overnight, Nalanyin still had a high fever in the middle of the night.

Dragging her sick body, she simply gave herself a few days off. She didn't come to the company until today when she got better.

Whoever imagined that this kind of thing happened to him!

Nalanyin sniffed, and just after hanging up the phone, she immediately made a video call to Quan Jing's pop-up window.

Soon, the call was connected, and Quan Jing's figure appeared on the small window.

Nalanyin rubbed the center of his brows, and said with a nasal tone: "Jingzai, did you make it up to Father Quan to sue someone?"

Quan Jing at the other end of the video was stunned: "Ah? What lawsuit?"

At work, Nalanyin has always been very straightforward.

Seeing that Quan Jing obviously didn't know anything, she said it directly.

The lawyer's letter on Weibo was sent in the name of Quan's father, the initiator: Quan Jing's father, Quan Tianxiang.

Thinking of Quan's father's love for Quan Jing, it is not impossible for him to sue those people.

That's why she asked this question.

After hearing what Nalanyin said, Quan Jing's eyes widened, full of astonishment: "Sister Yinyin, what do you mean, my dad... sued those who insulted me?"

Nalanyin let out an "huh hum", raised his eyebrows, and did not deny it.

Unexpectedly, Quan Jing denied it without even thinking in the next second: "Impossible."

Although Daddy sometimes dotes on her absurdly, he will never break his promise to her!

The father and daughter had reached a consensus before.

He promised her to enter the entertainment industry, but he won't help her.

Everything depends on her.

This is exactly what Quanjing needs.

She didn't want every step she took to be branded behind her back. She had all this with the help of Quan's group or even other people.

She hopes that she can rely on herself, step by step, to walk out a brilliant life that belongs to her.

Nalanyin endured a splitting headache and asked seriously, "Are you sure?"

Quan Jing nodded: "Sure and sure!"

Nalan Yin waved his hand: "That's fine, there's nothing else to do, I'll let them handle the rest."

Speaking of this, Quan Jing found out that something was wrong with Nalan Yin: "Sister Yinyin, are you alright? Why do I think your complexion is not very good?"

Not wanting to worry Quan Jing, Nalanyin raised her lips and smiled wickedly: "Sister, it's all right. That's it, let's do this first, hang up."

Before Quan Jing could see anything unusual, Nalanyin quickly hung up the video.

Quan Jing blinked, and dialed Quan Tianxiang's number casually.

Quan's Group.

Quan Tianxiang, who came back from going out to talk about cooperation, saw the employees of the company gathering together and whispering.

"By the way, this Quan Jing is not really our boss' daughter, is it?"

"Who knows, maybe."

"But I don't think Quan Jing looks like our boss."


The assistant following Quan Tianxiang respectfully said: "Boss, I'll deal with it."

Quan Tianxiang glanced at the group of people, took the elevator with his hands behind his back, and returned to the office.

After a while, the assistant came back.

Quan Tianxiang asked seemingly unintentionally: "What were they talking about just now?"

The assistant couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for those people, and the second Quan Tianxiang looked over, he told everything he asked.

Others don't know, but he does.

Quan Jing, she is the boss's favorite daughter, the little princess of their Quan Group!
(End of this chapter)

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