Chapter 338

on Weibo.

The first item on the hot search list was a big hit.

#Quanjingfather Sues Netizens# Explosion

Clicking in, a bunch of people questioned this so-called "Quan Jing's father".

After all, when Quan Jing was hacked by the whole Internet, this father did not come forward.

How come he popped up after just a few photos?
Especially this fake name, Quan Tianxiang.

I searched on Baidu and found all kinds of information about Quan Tianxiang.

The most popular one is the current chairman of Quan's Group.

There are so many people with the same name and surname all over the world, no one knows whether it is this Quan Tianxiang or that Quan Tianxiang.

However, some people doubt it, and some people believe it.

No father can watch his daughter being abused like that by netizens.

And scolded so badly.

You know, Quan Jing is just a talented girl!
Quan Rin also saw this hot search.

At that time, Quan Rin had just finished playing the game.

After washing his face, he felt bored, so he checked Moments and Weibo.

As soon as he clicked on Weibo, the system automatically pushed him the latest trending searches.

He clicked in casually, and in the next second, his eyes looked straight.

His dad sued netizens?
Shouldn't be.

Clicking on the lawyer's letter, he read the entire lawsuit. There were so many words that it gave him a headache, so he simply turned to the signature at the bottom.

With just one glance, he recognized that it was not his father's handwriting.

Quan Rin: "..." Who is this person?Pretending to be his father doesn't even know how to pretend.

at the same time.

Feng Zhe, who was far away in Lingyun Group, couldn't hold back a sneeze.

At noon, he found all the real-life information corresponding to the ids of those netizens who behaved badly.

After reporting to his boss, he turned around and went to the company's Justice Department.

According to Nangong Yuting's intention, he was asked to sue those people in the name of Quan Tianxiang.

The lawyers of Lingyun Group are all elites.

Especially after Nangong Yuting took over, the group even produced several rare gold medal lawyers with a 100% winning rate.

Ministry of Justice.

Feng Zhe looked around, but didn't see the person he was looking for.

He casually asked the people around him, "Where is Lawyer Shi?"

The other party replied: "At that time, the lawyer went to the bathroom."

Feng Zhe: "..."

After waiting for 5 minutes, Shi Zifan walked into the office shaking his hands.

Seeing Feng Zhe sitting there, he was slightly stunned: "Assistant Feng? Why are you here?"

While talking, he walked to his desk, took out a tissue, and wiped the water on his hands.

Feng Zhe didn't hesitate, and handed him a document directly: "The boss asked you to sue these people in the name of Mr. Quan. By the way, this is Mr. Quan's signature."

Shi Zifan flipped through the documents, and after hearing what Feng Zhe said, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He is a gold medal lawyer, but now he is reduced to helping others handle these small cases?
Feng Zhe didn't care what Shi Zifan was thinking. Before leaving, he said again: "By the way, the boss also said 'as soon as possible', and he will see the result in the afternoon."

Shi Zifan: "..." Nima, one is more cruel than the other!
Feng Zhe didn't doubt Shi Zifan's professionalism at all.


Shi Zifan was very efficient.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, everything is ready.

Feng Zhe posted the lawyer's letter on Weibo with a big V number.

Quan 1212: [I, Quan Jing's father, on October 20, 10XX, entrusted the lawyers of Shixing Law Firm to deal with some netizens on the Internet who violated my daughter Quan Jing's reputation, even insulted, slandered, and spread some false pictures and texts... Born to be human, hope to be kind, the following is the lawyer's letter (picture jpg)]

 Ask for a wave of tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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