The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 353 Because of Love

Chapter 353 Because of Love
After playing with Diandian for a while, Quan Jing got up and asked Quan Rin, "Fat Rin, where's Mommy?"

Quan Rin rubbed his nose with his index finger and murmured, "Go out to play."

Quan Jing: "???" What a coincidence?

Forget it, let's talk about it when Mommy comes back.

Throughout the afternoon, Quan Rin saw his sister searching for information about "Jiuhuang".

etc!Jiuhuang?Isn't this his favorite mythical novel!

Quan Lin sneaked up to Quan Jing's side: "Sister, what are you doing looking up "Jiuhuang"?"

For no reason, his sister would never search for irrelevant information.

So, there must be something wrong here!

Quan Jing didn't hide it from him, and said it directly.

Quan Rin's eyes widened, full of astonishment: "Then why are you hesitating, quickly agree!"

theme song hey!

Quan Jing turned her head and rolled her eyes at him.

Quan Lin rubbed his nose awkwardly: "Sister, why are you looking at me like that?"

Not wanting to talk to him, Quan Jing pursed her lips and continued to search for information.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Wen Shuwan came back.

Seeing the siblings sitting on the sofa, she was a little surprised: "Quanquan? Fat Yuan, what are you doing?"

When she got closer, Wen Shuwan asked again: "Quanquan, your role today is over so early?"

Quan Jing put the notebook on the low coffee table, got up, and smiled sweetly: "I'm looking for information. Director Zhao has something to do today, and the scene has been postponed."

Wen Shuwan nodded, sat on the sofa beside her, and then continued the topic just now: "What information?"

Quan Jing directly pointed the laptop screen at Wen Shuwan, and said what Han Dongqing told her, and then told Wen Shuwan again: "... Mommy, tell me, should I agree?" She was afraid that she would not do well.

Based on the information she has found so far, this "Jiuhuang" TV series has a certain fan base.

Not only that, but this show is the hottest TV series of the year!

It is said that it is still on the star drama.

That level is not a level higher than that of online dramas.

Unexpectedly, Wen Shuwan asked an irrelevant question: "Quanquan, Mommy asked you something, why are you singing?"

Quan Jing was silent for a while, and replied seriously and solemnly: "Because of love."

Wen Shuwan smiled: "Look, you already have the answer yourself."

Quan was stunned.

The next second, she raised her eyebrows: "Mum, what do you mean..."

Wen Shuwan raised her hand to interrupt her: "Quanquan, the road of the entertainment industry is not as simple as you think, you have to find your own position. Whether you want to take the actor's road or the music road in the future, every step you take You need to be careful."

Quan Jing nodded fiercely: "I understand, Mommy."

Wen Shuwan: "Follow your own heart."

Wen Shuwan didn't say a word, and she didn't even give a clear answer.

However, just this one remark, Quan Jing was enlightened, and suddenly dispelled the haze in her heart.

After saying "Thank you, Mommy", Quan Jing picked up the phone and called Han Dongqing back.

That's right, acting is only temporary, after all, she still wants to sing her favorite song and stand on the stage of her dreams.

Her musical dream never ends...

Han Dongqing was not surprised that Quan Jing would agree, and only told her to compose the theme song before the 10th of next month.

Quan Jing's mouth twitched.

On the tenth of next month, this is less than ten days away, how much does Sister Han trust her?

The last song "The Road is Long" was reprocessed by her semi-finished product, but now this ancient style original song is too brain-intensive...

(End of this chapter)

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