The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 354 Why is Quan Jing!

Chapter 354 Why is Quan Jing!

Star Culture.

Qin Jing's lounge.

A sharp female voice sounded: "What did you say?"

Song Zhen repeated what he just said with a blank face: "The candidate for the theme song of "Jiuhuang" has been selected, not you."

Qin Jing frowned, with an ominous premonition in her heart: "Is it Quan Jing?"

Song Zhen gave a "hmm" and was about to talk about other things.

However, Qin Jing didn't want to reveal this matter: "Why? Why is it Quan Jing!"

She doesn't mind changing it to anyone else, but why does it have to be Quan Jing?

Song Zhen frowned, his eyes slightly cold: "This is the other party's decision."

Qin Jing stood up from the sofa abruptly: "Sister Zhen, have you ever fought for me!"

The bright suspicious eyes hurt Song Zhen's eyes.

She frowned: "Qin Jing, pay attention to your words."

However, Qin Jing has been dazzled by jealousy at the moment, and doesn't care what she is saying at all: "Sister Zhen, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it myself."

This was the case with the invitation letter for the Juzitai star night party before, and it is the case with the theme song now.

Qin Jing's mentality was completely driven crazy.

She can't see Quan Jing crawling on top of her head, let alone allow a young rookie to be better than her!


Qin Jing slammed the door of the lounge open and hit the wall.

Song Zhen's face was very ugly.

This Qin Jing, she really is getting more and more ignorant!

Lingyun Group.

Feng Zhe reported to Nangong Yuting as usual.

After talking about the business, he detailed Quan Jing's itinerary for the past few days.

Feng Zhe was surprised when he learned that the music director of the production team of "Jiuhuang" planned to let Quan Jing sing the theme song.

However, my boss seemed to be no longer surprised, and his expression didn't change at all.

Sure enough, the boss is still the boss.

Nangong Yuting's expression was indifferent: "How is the matter of the photo handled?"

Feng Zhe: "..." Boss, are you forgetful?
Unfortunately, Feng Zhe didn't dare to say it blatantly.

He organized his words in his mind before he said, "Xun Yi has been dealt with."

God knows, in the past two days, he was harassed by Xunyi phone calls almost every day.

That guy, he has a hard time, and he won't let him have a good time!

He is so tired from work every day, and it takes time to comfort him, is it easy for him?
Nangong Yuting didn't know the aggrieved Feng Zhe was feeling, so she gave a faint "hmm" and said indifferently, "I don't want similar things to happen again."

Feng Zhe repeatedly assured: "Yes, boss!"

He waved his hand to signal Feng Zhe to step back.

Thinking that he had nothing to report, Feng Zhe turned and left the office.

When Feng Zhe left, Nangong Yuting turned on the phone screen, looked at the photo on the screen saver, with a dazed expression.

After a while, he came back to his senses and made a phone call.


While filming, Quan Jing racked her brains to think of the theme song of "Nine Brilliance".

Gufeng original songs, really difficult!

Some group performers passing by watched Quan Jing scratching his ears and cheeks, with such a serious look, they subconsciously began to reflect on themselves.

Zhao Xingang and the others thought it was because she was too involved in the drama, but they didn't know that she was worried about another matter entirely.

After filming the weekend scene, Quan Jing went back to school.

When she returned to the dormitory, she didn't go to the cafeteria to eat, she pulled out the chair and sat down, took out the blank staff from the drawer, and recorded the thoughts in her mind.

Whether it sounds good or not is the second. She writes down her thoughts first, and then she will talk about the rest...

After 10 minutes, a rough semi-finished product appeared on the paper.

Although there are only notes, and even can't be tuned, Quan Jing still feels very proud.

Anyway, it is also her original song!

(End of this chapter)

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