The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 356 Supreme Glory

Chapter 356 Supreme Glory
Mu Qing coughed, and said to the girl on the shoulder: "Wen Yin, you go out first."

The girl named Wen Yin smiled brightly at Quan Jing and went out first.

When only the two of them were left in the office, Mu Qing remained silent.

Quan Jing felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he broke the deadlock: "Well, do you have a guqin here? I want to borrow it."

A sweet and soft voice sounded, Mu Qing came back to his senses, blinked his eyes twice, and replied: "Yes."

Quan Jing smiled and narrowed her eyes. Just as she was about to say something, the other party spoke again.

She said: "Association instruments are not allowed to be loaned out. So, sorry, I cannot lend them to you."

After saying these words, Mu Qing lowered his eyes, his eyes were deep.

In mid-November, a city-level "K&Q World Festival" will be held across the country. The contestants are only for young people aged 18 to 22, regardless of gender. These young people will compete on the stage, cruel What's more, out of the tens of thousands of primary candidates, only 100 people can enter the provincial semi-finals, and ten people will be selected from the [-] people to enter the final finals.

The person who wins the finals can represent the country and compete with young musicians from all over the world.

It is a supreme honor to be able to win glory for the country!

She believed that even if she passed the preliminary round and faced so many people in the semi-finals, she would most likely be eliminated, let alone enter the finals.

But Quanjing will not.

If she goes to the competition, with her strength, she will definitely be able to enter the finals!
After all, she is also an original musician, with bonus points...

Quan Jing blinked: "You mean, if I join the music club, then I can borrow it?"

Mu Qing raised her eyes and glanced at her, stood up, very serious: "Theoretically, that's right. But... I still have a merciless request."

Quan Jing was already very grateful that the other party agreed to lend her the guqin, and she was OK with joining the music club or not.Moreover, the school has a rule that everyone must join a club, otherwise the credits will not be enough, and even graduation will be a problem.

After hearing what Mu Qing said, Quan Jing was only surprised for a while, then nodded with a smile: "Say it."

Mu Qing didn't hesitate, and said directly, "I hope you can participate in the 'K&Q World Ceremony' competition."

Quan Jing was a little confused: "What is that?"

Then, Mu Qing told Quan Jing about the specific situation of the competition: "...Quan Jing, win the championship and let foreigners see the strength of our Chinese!"

What she said was so passionate and passionate that Quan Jing couldn't say no to it.

Yes, for the sake of the country, she can fight!
Music is also the stage of her dream, she has already started her path, now, she wants to continue on this path...

Quan Jing's eyes were firm: "Okay, I promise you."

Walking to Quan Jing's side, Mu Qing had a smile on his face: "Then, welcome to join the music club, I'm Mu Qing."

Seeing the other party's kind smile, Quan Jing also smiled brightly: "I am Quan Jing."

Then, the two looked at each other and smiled.

After borrowing the guqin from the music club and greeting everyone, Quan Jing left.

Walking to the door of the club, called Sheng Ke, and the two went back to the dormitory.

Go back to dorms.

Quan Jing played a section on the guqin according to the score.

She hasn't written lyrics yet, and there is only music on the staff.

The door of the dormitory was left open, and the melodious sound of the piano spread throughout the corridor.

The sound of the guqin is like the sound of nature, and the tune makes it even more intoxicating.

Some people even opened the door of the dormitory, looking for the sound...

(End of this chapter)

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