Chapter 357
After playing it once, Quan Jing turned her head and asked Sheng Ke: "A Ke, what do you think of the song just now?"

Sheng Ke chewed a lollipop, with a lazy expression: "Yes, it sounds very nice, but it's a bit..."

There is something, Sheng Ke is really hard to say for a while.

Quan Jing smiled and took her words: "It's a little hurt."

Sheng Ke let out a "hmm" and didn't express any further comments.

If you let her fight, she may be able to give some pointers, but playing the piano and singing... This is really not her strong point.

Quan Jing burst out laughing.

Even Sheng Ke can hear the hurt of this song, let alone others.

According to her understanding, the ending of "Jiuhuang" is a tragedy.

She also called director Zhu Jing about this and asked about the central idea of ​​the play.

Director Zhu told her that "Jiuhuang", as the main male lead drama, originally had no emotional lines, but now the young people don't have a romantic relationship, so they just have a lot of flaws!
So he asked the screenwriter to add an emotional scene, that is, the role of the hero and the heroine.

Even so, he still insisted on the ending he had set at the beginning, and there was only the male lead left in the whole play!

Even the only female protagonist who accompanied the male protagonist was killed by the villain.

In the end, the camera is the memory of the hero...

That scene, when viewed by different people, will have different feelings.

Quan Jing thought, no matter what the heroine has been with the hero for most of her life, even if she dies, she will die for him.

This will definitely leave a deep imprint on the hero's heart.

Perhaps, he will find that he has actually... fallen in love with the heroine already?It's just that he doesn't admit it.

Of course, this is all just speculation.

After all, there is no man like Jiu Huang in this world, let alone a woman like Yu Xi.

The word love hurts the most.

She is a girl herself and longs for love.From Yu Xi's point of view, it was only because she wrote this theme song that she seemed hurt.

Just like Yu Xi's love...


"Little Fairy, what song did you play just now? It's really nice." A strange female voice sounded.

Quan Jing looked up and saw a group of people gathered in front of the dormitory door.

She was slightly taken aback, and looked at Sheng Ke with an innocent look.

Sheng Ke shrugged and said nothing.

When Ye Qingqing and Chi Yutong came back from get out of class, they were shocked to see a group of people standing at the door of their dormitory.

What's the situation?
After a day of class, Chi Yutong was already starving, but these people blocked the door of the dormitory again, and she couldn't even get in.

A hungry guy was in a hurry: "Hey, get out of the way."

The person in front looked back at Chi Yutong, but ignored her.

At the front, those people asked Quan Jing one by one.

Listening to these people's twittering, Quan Jing didn't show any impatience, and still smiled: "This is a new song, the name hasn't been decided yet."

In an instant, there was an uproar.

There were still people who wanted to continue to ask, but a furious voice suddenly sounded: "I said, I want to enter the dormitory, you all get out of the way!"

Quan Jing heard Chi Yutong's call with sharp ears, and hurried to the door of the dormitory: "Sorry, my roommate is outside, can I trouble you to let me go."

Her voice seemed to be bewitching, and the girls blocking the door of the dormitory instantly gave way.

Chi Yutong put her hands on her hips, with anger on her small face.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, Ye Qingqing felt a little embarrassed, and dragged Chi Yutong into the dormitory quickly.

Those people still tried to continue talking to Quan Jing, but Chi Yutong closed the door directly with a "bang--".

Quan Jing: "..."

Ye Qingqing: "..."

Sheng Ke glanced this way, but did not respond.

(End of this chapter)

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