Chapter 362 Three Scenes

12 o'clock exactly.

Kong Xiao discovered that JY-Yu has been updated.

Emma, ​​for the first time!
This time, he didn't even urge the boss, but the boss actually took the initiative to update?
However, in the next second, the corners of Kong Xiao's raised mouth shrugged.

He knew very well that Feng Zhe should have told the boss...

In this way, the boss of Chu must have known about the phone call to the boss.

Alas, I don't know how the Overlord of Chu will "dispose" of him.

Quan Jing didn't notice the document Han Dongqing sent her until after dinner.

Click to open it, and it is the script of "Youth with You, No Regrets".

After reading the entire script, Quan Jing felt a little emotional.

The character she plays is called Lin Wanwan, who is the younger sister of the hero Lin Xiao. However, when she was here, she was isolated from the world because of a car accident...

In this drama, Quan Jing only has three scenes in total.

One is an appearance, one is a car accident, and one is a memory.

Although she didn't have many roles, the only three scenes she had were in the same frame as Mu Yunchen and An Yelin.

However, why did Sister Han send her the script without saying anything else?

After thinking about it again and again, Quan Jing replied with a message.

Circle 3 times: [Sister Han, I have received the script]

Three minutes later, she received a reply from Han Dongqing: "Think carefully about the plot and join the crew on weekends."

Quan Jing blinked.

weekend?If she goes to Director Wei's crew, won't Director Zhao not be able to make it?

With that in mind, she asked the question.

Sister Han: [It's all taken care of, you can film with peace of mind]

Seeing Han Dongqing's reply, Quan Jing didn't think about it any more.

Since Sister Han said so, she must have made arrangements.

Because the script only had fragments, and Quan Jing didn't know the development of the whole play, she circled everything she didn't understand or didn't fully understand.


After lunch, Quan Jing took a taxi to the set.

Xiao Yu has long been guarding outside the crew.

Seeing Quan Jing, he immediately went forward: "Little Fairy, you've come. If you don't come, Brother Mu is going to pick you up in person."

Quan Jing smiled slightly.

Although what Xiao Yu said was a bit exaggerated, what he said was also true.

With Uncle Yunchen's temperament, he might really pick her up.

Thinking of this picture, Quan Jing couldn't help shaking his head.

Xiao Yu brought Quan Jing to the set, and three figures walked towards him.

One of them is Mu Yunchen.

Quan Jing said hello generously: "Hello, Director Wei, Hello, Senior Yun Chen, and Hello, Senior An."

This is the first time Wei Dongxu sees Quan Jing.

Hearing the girl's obedient greeting, Wei Dongxu subconsciously glanced at Mu Yunchen.

Who knows, Mu Yunchen yelled at him: "When someone greets you, what do you think I'm doing?"

Wei Dongxu: "..."

On the side, An Yelin covered her mouth and smiled.

In the next second, she stepped forward and took Quan Jing's hand: "I've always heard about your name, but when I saw you today, the real person is really amazing."

Before Quan Jing could speak, Mu Yunchen took the lead and walked forward: "It's not that we want to discuss the plot, so I'm still leaving."

Wei Dongxu and An Yelin looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

Not far away, people who saw Quan Jing were stunned.

I heard that someone with a certain role was going to join the crew, but I haven't seen anyone.

Just yesterday, Wei Dongxu suddenly informed that Lin Wanwan's actor would come over tomorrow.

A group of people looked forward to it.

After all, anyone who knows the plot knows very well that it is a character who can appear in the same frame as the actor and actress!

But now, seeing Quan Jing following Wei Dongxu, Mu Yunchen and An Yelin, some actresses felt unbalanced.

Quan Jing, why should she?
(End of this chapter)

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