The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 363 This kid is so naughty!

Chapter 363 This kid is so naughty!
Quan Jie didn't know what those actresses were thinking, at this time she was listening to Wei Dongxu's play.

"That Ye Lin, Quan Jing, I'll shoot the two of you first, the car accident scene..."

This scene is a turning point, and it is also a key point for the sublimation of the relationship between the hero and heroine!

It can be said that this scene is very important.

An Yelin said no problem.

Quan Jing did not comment.

In fact, she doesn't have much confidence in her acting skills.

Although Director Zhao kept saying that she acted very well...

However, An Yelin is the queen of the movie, and she might not be able to show her acting skills.

Seeing her like this, Mu Yunchen subconsciously made a rescue: "Director Wei, let Quan Jing get acquainted with her, let's shoot the scenes between me and Queen An first."

An Yelin glanced at him, then looked at Quan Jing's appearance at the moment, and said with a smile: "Yes, Director Wei, I have to let the little girl get acquainted first, and shoot as soon as she arrives, and the pressure is quite great."

One or two said the same thing, Wei Dongxu is not easy to be that "bad guy", closed the script: "Okay, then shoot yours first. Quan Jing, just take a look at it first, they will finish the filming here." Take your part."

Quan Jing nodded obediently: "Okay, Director Wei."

Afterwards, Wei Dongxu called his assistant and took Quan Jing to rest first.

As soon as she left, An Yelin straightened her hair and narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Mo Yingdi is very good at taking care of newcomers today."

Wei Dongxu also chimed in: "Yes, Yun Chen, this is the first time I've seen you pay so much attention to a newcomer."

Mu Yunchen ignored them, and walked forward: "What are you talking about, hurry up."

After resting for a while, Quan Jing walked up to Wei Dongxu and stood there watching Mu Yunchen and An Yelin filming.

As expected, she was worthy of being the best actress and best actress, and her acting skills were so good that she was included in it.

This scene was filming the scene where the male protagonist Lin Xiao played by Mu Yunchen and the female protagonist Tong Sheng played by An Yelin had a quarrel over their younger sister Lin Wanwan.

Because he was playing Lin Wanwan, at the moment when he saw Mu Yunchen and An Yelin arguing because of "her", Quan Jing even had the idea of ​​going forward to persuade her.

"Ka—very good, pass!" Wei Dongxu shouted "pass" holding the walkie-talkie.

This sound brought Quan Jing back completely.

Wei Dongxu stood up, only to realize that Quan Jing had stood beside him at some point.

He suddenly wanted to tease the child: "Seeing your brother arguing with your sister-in-law, how do you feel?"

When Mu Yunchen and An Yelin were playing together, they heard what Wei Dongxu said to Quan Jing.

Mu Yunchen raised his eyebrows, and was about to step forward, but An Yelin grabbed his wrist: "Mu Yingdi, don't worry, just wait and see."

Before he could make a sound, Quan Jing, who had been wandering far and wide, spoke.

"I'm very happy," she said.

Wei Dongxu: "???" This child, the two of them quarreled, is she still happy?
In the next second, Quan Jing continued: "Brother has a sister-in-law, so he won't be alone anymore."

Wei Dongxu opened his mouth slightly, and was about to say something, but Quan Jing blinked playfully, and said again: "Director Wei, senior Yun Chen won't want to be my brother."

Wei Dongxu hadn't realized what she meant, but Mu Yunchen understood it.

This kid is so naughty!
If he became her elder brother, his seniority would be messed up.

It took a long time for Wei Dongxu to realize that Quan Jing was turning a corner and saying that Mu Yunchen was old?
What's the matter with some inexplicable laughter?

However, seeing Mu Yunchen and An Yelin walking over, Wei Dongxu wisely ended the topic: "Well, what, Quan Jing, prepare yourself, the next one will be up to you."

Quan Jing: "Good director Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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