Chapter 368

Without Quan Rin's "troubleshooting", the scenes between Quan Jing and Mu Yunchen progressed smoothly.

Although the length of the post-reminiscence does not exceed 10 minutes, it took nearly three hours to shoot the scene.

For a whole morning, Quan Rin just watched his sister and Mu Shen act together.

In addition to envy, more distressed.

His sister is a little princess at home, how can it be so tiring to shoot a scene like now!
Almost as soon as Quan Jing got off the scene, Quan Rin took out a bottle of pure water from his schoolbag and handed it over: "Sister, drink water."

After saying so many lines, I must be thirsty.

His own family, Quan Jing is not polite to him either.

Noticing Mu Yunchen standing beside her, Quan Jing reached out to Quan Rin again: "Fat Rin, give me another bottle."

Quan Rin didn't ask any questions, just took a new bottle from his bag and gave it to her.

After receiving the pure water, Quan Jing walked to Mu Yunchen's side: "Senior Yunchen."

Looking at the water stretched out in front of him, Mu Yunchen was startled.

Xiao Yu, who came over with a water glass, was stunned, stepped forward, and declined Quan Jing's kindness: "Little Fairy, Brother Mu doesn't drink these."

Quan Jing blinked, and was about to put it away when Mu Yunchen took the purified water in his hand.

A low voice fell into her ears: "Thank you."

At that moment, Xiao Yu was really shocked.

Brother Mu dotes on the little fairy too much!

But it's true, how can I say that the little fairy also calls Brother Mu an uncle...

An Yelin is the crew that arrived at noon.

At that time, Quan Jing and the others had just finished their lunch.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

Filming of the last scene begins.


In the background, brother and sister Lin Xiao rented a small house of 40 square meters.

Tong Sheng followed Lin Xiao, arranging his clothes from time to time.

click -

The door opened, and the girl's sweet smile appeared: "Brother..."

When she saw Tong Sheng beside Lin Xiao, the girl's smile gradually faded away.

Tong Sheng stretched out his hand generously: "Hi, I'm Tong Sheng, your brother's girlfriend."

The girl looked at Lin Xiao as if asking for proof, and the moment she saw her brother nodding, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Even so, the girl still tried her best to keep smiling: "Hi, I'm Lin Wanwan."


In this way, it is the first time to see.

The brothers and sisters whose parents died depended on each other for life, and suddenly there was an extra woman. Lin Wanwan was actually panicking in her heart.

Seeing Quan Jing's performance in the camera, Wei Dongxu nodded approvingly.

She expressed Lin Wanwan's inner struggle very well.

Others may not have noticed, but he could clearly see Quan Jing's small movements of embarrassment and the fleeting emptiness in her eyes.

"Ka——Okay, pass!" Wei Dongxu shouted, and then said to Quan Jing, "Quan Jing, congratulations on wrapping up your role."

While talking, the field manager came over with a bouquet of flowers and gave them to Quan Jing.

After receiving the flowers, Quan Jing bowed to everyone: "Thank you for your care these two days."

For the rest, there were chattering voices.

"Little Fairy is too polite."

"Yes, little fairy, remember to come back and see us if you have nothing to do in the future."


Afterwards, the stage manager took a group photo for Quan Jing and the actors in the crew.

They also took a "family portrait" for Mu Yunchen, An Yelin, and Quan Jing alone.

Then, the field manager logically asked for Quan Jing's WeChat account and sent her the photos.

An Yelin on the side smiled and teased: "Sister Wanwan, you have added outsiders, don't you mind adding my sister-in-law?"

When the others heard it, they were happy.

Quan Jing burst into laughter: "Of course I don't mind."

Adding An Yelin, Quan Jing smiled and waved goodbye to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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