The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 369 Did They Bully You?

Chapter 369 Did They Bully You?

Because it was still early, Quan Jing went to Tianyin Media.

This is Quan Rin's first time here, and he is surprised to see everything.

Xia Yuan at the front desk saw Quan Jing bring a boy over, her eyes widened slightly, full of astonishment.

Especially, that boy is as fat as a bear!
Although she knew it was wrong to judge people by their appearance, she still couldn't help it.

After greeting Xia Yuan, Quan Jing took Quan Rin up to the fifth floor.

Unfortunately, Quan Jing met Zheng Xinyan and Yin Xiaoyu.

Originally, Quan Jing didn't intend to provoke the two of them.

But... someone is not going to let her go.

When Zheng Xinyan saw it was Quan Jing, all kinds of ugly words came out: "Hey, isn't this our little fairy Quan Jing? Some people think they have some skills, so they hype up on the Internet... really Treat netizens as fools."

Quan Jing didn't respond yet, Quan Rin couldn't help it.

He rolled his cuffs and stared at Zheng Xinyan: "What nonsense are you talking about? If your mouth is not clean, don't speak, for fear that others will know that your mouth is stinky."

Zheng Xinyan: "You... Well, Quan Jing, the company doesn't allow strangers to come in, you violated the company's regulations, I'm going to report you!"

On the side, Yin Xiaoyu said at the right time: "Xinyan, don't do this, Quan Jing didn't do it on purpose."

Saying this, Yin Xiaoyu looked at Quan Jing again with a good-natured look: "Quan Jing, Xin Yan is just kidding with you, don't take it seriously."

Quan Jing didn't want to see their hypocrisy, so she called Quan Lin and left directly.

When the two left, Zheng Xinyan frowned slightly and looked at Yin Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, why didn't you let me tell you just now?"

Yin Xiaoyu shook her head: "Xinyan, let's go, Sister He is still waiting for us."

On the 13th of last month, the Zheng family contributed funds to help Zheng Xinyan make her debut, and Yin Xiaoyu also made her debut along with it.

The "Sister He" Yin Xiaoyu said was the two of them's mutual manager, He Zhi.

To say that the Zheng family is really kind to Zheng Xinyan, it was a TV series with a big heroine when it debuted.

It's not that he didn't want Zheng Xinyan to take the music route like Quan Jing, but this guy didn't listen to advice and insisted on acting!

Let's just act, she still insists on bringing a "oil bottle".

Artist's agent's office.

Quan Jing knocked on the door.

Soon, Han Dongqing's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Pushing the door open, Quan Jing called out sweetly, "Sister Han."

Han Dongqing raised her head when she heard the voice, slightly astonished: "Quan Jing? Why are you here? The filming is over?"

Quan Jing nodded obediently: "Well, the filming is over."

The two talked for a while before Han Dongqing noticed Quan Rin who was following Quan Jing.

Quan Rin is not the kind of person who likes to sue, but he is still a little bit aggrieved about his sister.

Seeing Han Dongqing looking at him, he told all about what happened just now.

When Han Dongqing looked at Quan Jing again, her face was serious: "Did they bully you?"

Quan Jing shook his head.

How could she be bullied so easily...

He gave Quan Rin a hard look, this talkative guy.

Quan Lin shrank his neck, scratched his head and pretended to be innocent.

Without getting too entangled in this matter, Han Dongqing talked to Quan Jing about the serious matter: "By the way, how is the theme song going?"

Quan Jing: "The lyrics and music are almost ready, and the finished product will be released by Wednesday at the latest."

Han Dongqing didn't doubt what Quan Jing said, said "Come on", and chatted about other things.

As he spoke, Han Dongqing clapped his hands suddenly: "By the way, I almost forgot that you have to attend the Starry Night Party on the 10th of this month! I have someone prepare a dress for you, and you can choose it when the time comes."

Quan Jing: "..." It's the 10th again, she's so busy on the 10th!
(End of this chapter)

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