The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 375 "Happy Singing Match"

Chapter 375 "Happy Singing Match"

Wang Qingshan's program is called "Hey Singing and Matching".

There are twelve episodes in a season.

Three seasons have been recorded, and the ratings of each season are not low.

The latest episode ended with a rating of 2!

It is said that the fourth season is scheduled for next spring, around March or April.

The reason why Han Dongqing introduced Quan Jing to Wang Qingshan was to give her a connection.

As for whether he can succeed in the end, it depends on Quan Jing's own ability.

Fortunately, Quan Jing lived up to Han Dongqing's painstaking efforts, won the favor of Wang Qingshan, and successfully signed the first flying guest of next year's fourth season!
According to Wang Qingshan, he wants to sign Quan Jing as a resident guest, but Quan Jing considers that there are various exams in her school, and she even has to participate in the "K&Q World Ceremony" competition, the time may not be too long. Sufficient, declined.

Although it is a pity, Wang Qingshan said that he must sign her as a resident guest if he has the opportunity in the future.

not far away.

Holding the red wine glass, Tang Rushi stared at Quan Jing with deep eyes.

Especially when she saw that Quan Jing had talked with Wang Qingshan for more than 20 minutes, she frowned.

In the next second, she tidied herself up and walked towards this side in a graceful manner.

She pretended to have discovered something by accident, covered her mouth in surprise, and quickly stretched out her hand: "Director Wang, it's been a long time."

Wang Qingshan can also be regarded as an old friend of Han Dongqing, so he naturally knew Tang Rushi.

It's just that he doesn't like her.

The other party came up to him with a smiling face, and he took Tang Ru's face into consideration, and extended his hand to shake it back.

Tang Rushi didn't care much about this, but inadvertently brought the topic to Quan Jing: "Oh, I said Director Wang, don't look at some young girls, in fact..."

As soon as she said this, Wang Qingshan, Xia Lin, Han Dongqing and even Quan Jing all looked at her in unison.

They would like to hear, what kind of ivory can come out of her mouth?

To be able to get into Tang Rushi's position, she is like a mirror in her heart, she is very good.

Seeing that Wang Qingshan's expression was wrong, she immediately changed the subject: "Director Wang, I heard that your third season of "Hey Singing" ended with a rating of 2. Congratulations."

Wang Qingshan said "thank you" in a lukewarm manner, with a cold attitude, obviously not wanting to talk to Tang Rushi.

However, a certain person didn't know it, but insisted on moving forward.

Han Dongqing didn't want to be with her, so she said goodbye to Charlene and Wang Qingshan with a smile: "Charlene, Director Wang, I'll take my artists around first, so I won't bother you, see you later."

Charlene smiled and waved: "See you later."

After saying that, she tilted her head towards Quan Jing and waved her hand again, blinking her eyes twice: "Little Quan Jing, see you later."

Quan Jing smiled brightly and nodded.

Politely said "Goodbye Wang Director" to Wang Qingshan, and then she left with Han Dongqing.

As soon as the two left, Xia Lin and Wang Qingshan also prepared to withdraw.

However, Tang Ru was so shameless, she insisted on promoting herself: "Sister Lin, you see, I am also a little famous in the entertainment industry, I don't know..."

Han Dongqing dared to call her full name and surname Xia Lin, but Tang Rushi did not dare.

After all, Charlene is the leader in the hosting industry, so she has a good network.

Even if you can't make friends with her, at least you can't offend her!
Charlene has met so many people, and she can tell at a glance if there is something wrong in Tang Rushi's heart.

But well...

She looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, Miss Tang, I still have something to do, so let's go first."

After Charlene left, Wang Qingshan didn't give Tang Rushi a chance to speak, and left indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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