The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 376 Prove to Everyone

Chapter 376 Prove to Everyone
Seeing these one and two, Tang Rushi tightly clenched his hands hanging by his side into a fist.


One day, she will make these people come back on their knees to beg her!

Tang Ru turned around angrily, unexpectedly, bumped into someone.

The red wine glass in her hand spilled onto her dress, and the pure white dress was immediately dyed red.

How could Tang Rushi bear this?
She raised her head and was about to make an attack, but when she saw the other person's appearance, she immediately became shy.

The man in front of him was wearing a well-trimmed dark green suit, black trousers, and a white shirt inside. His exquisite and handsome facial features were dazzling.

Xia Houyu didn't expect that he bumped into someone just as soon as he entered the venue.

He adjusted the lensless glasses frame he was wearing, and there was a fleeting gloomy look between his brows.

He silently patted away the remaining stains on his body, and said in a gentle voice: "Miss, are you okay?"

Tang Ru was a lady who worked hard to show herself, and replied "It's okay" very understandingly.

She thought that if she said this, the other party would follow her words and leave her contact information by the way, so as to compensate her.

In this way, she can hook up with him once he comes and goes.

The results of it?
Xia Houyu's straight male cancer attribute broke out: "That's good."

Then, he left.

Tang Rushi: "???" He just left!
What an uninformed person.

Noticing the gazes of the people around him, Tang Ru frowned fiercely, and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Fortunately, she had a spare dress in the nanny's car, otherwise, she would have to wear the red wine-splashed dress tonight.

Just like when Nangong Yuting first arrived, some female stars who had never met Xia Houyu looked amazed again.

The difference is that this time someone whispered.

"Hey, have you noticed that this person looks like King Xiahou?"

"You really do say that, especially those eyes!"

"But I'm still the boss of Ye, no one else can compare."

"No matter how handsome you are, you can't compare to my admirer!"

"My boss..."

"I admire God..."

Those who will fight with each other are nothing more than small stars in the [-]th and [-]th tiers.

The ones with a little more fame are the third and fourth tiers.

The discussions of this group of people fell into Xia Houyu's ears verbatim.

When they first heard Xia Houye being mentioned, the eyes under his glasses frame slightly drooped, and the expression in his eyes disappeared.

Ever since he was a child, he hated others comparing him with Xia Houye.

Just because Xia Houye is a child of the direct line, and he is a concubine... No, he is not even a concubine. To put it bluntly, he is an illegitimate child!

He has been living under Xia Houye's halo.

Never, never has anyone asked him what he wants, what he needs.

Even his mother kept her head low...

Isn't Xia Houye better than him just because of his birth!

After all these years, Xia Houye refused to listen to dissuasion and decided to come out to join the entertainment industry. The old man in the family hated him.

Several times, he even heard the old man talk about changing the heir at home.

Of course, he knew very well that this was just the old man's angry words.

He has always tried his best to reduce his sense of existence at home and enrich his knowledge, just to let his father know that one day, he, Xia Houyu, is no worse than Xia Houye!

Today, the old man learned that Xia Houye would attend the starry night party tonight, so he recommended himself, took an invitation letter for the party, and came over.

From now on, he wants to prove to everyone little by little that he is not bad!

(End of this chapter)

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