The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 381 No longer belongs to her alone

Chapter 381 She No Longer Belongs To Her Alone
It's exactly ten o'clock.

Following the phrase "The starry night will end here", people left one after another.

He Yixuan and Qi Feibai received a call at the same time, spoke to Nangong Yuting, and left first.

There were also some female stars staying on the scene, just to see Nangong Yuting more.

There are people on both sides of Quan Jing, and there is no way to leave.

Moreover, the people left behind are all women...

It was also at this moment that Quan Jing suddenly discovered that Nangong Yuting really had the ability to attract people.

See, he just attended a party, and thousands of female stars like him.

Indeed, his face is also very resistant in the entertainment industry.

The former little brother no longer belongs to her alone...


"Excuse me, can I have a moment?" An obviously shy female voice rang in Quan Jing's ear.

When Quan Jing turned her head, she saw a woman in a very revealing dress trying to approach Nangong Yuting.

She frowned slightly, obviously a little unhappy in her heart, but she knew very well that she had no reason to refuse.

Just as he was about to make way for someone, he was grabbed by the wrist.

Quan Jing turned around in a daze, and found that the person who grabbed her wrist...was Nangong Yuting.

Those who hadn't left noticed this scene and gasped.

Nangong Yuting and Quan Jing?

how can that be!

Especially the woman who made way for Quan Jing, with a look of disbelief on her face: "You, you, can you do it!"

In the next second, Nangong Yuting cast a cold glance at the other party, and said something extremely cold: "Get lost."

The sound of "Rolling" seemed to irritate the woman, she reached out and grabbed Quan Jing's other arm, pulling her back forcefully.

She knew that she, Quan Jing, had been hacked by many people before.

Although the misunderstanding is now clear, she still doesn't believe it.

How could a young girl suddenly become so popular without all kinds of marketing?

Not to mention the solo debut show, the recording of variety shows later, endorsement commercials with millions of dollars, the heroine of web dramas... all kinds of announcements received soft hands!

If she said that there was no one behind her, she would be the first to not believe it!

The moment the woman stretched out her hand, Quan Jing subconsciously avoided her.

Although there are VIP seats here, the aisle space is relatively narrow.

But she forgot that her other wrist was grabbed by Nangong Yuting...

The strength of the woman was a bit strong, and Quan Jing felt a little painful when she pulled it.

None of the people around dared to step forward to help.

Who dares to reason with Fang Qingqing?This guy doesn't listen to advice at all!
Moreover, Fang Qingqing also suffers from severe hallucinations.

It is said that she once imagined that she married the richest man in the world and became the richest wife herself!
It's a pity, after all, it's Huang Liang's dream, and it's all fake.

Noticing Quan Jing's pained expression, Nangong Yuting was full of hostility.

He didn't care whether the other party was a woman or not, and clasped the house with one hand Qingqing grabbed Quan Jing's hand without caring about the strength at all. The moment the other party felt the pain and let go of his hand, he directly shook the other party's hand away.

Immediately afterwards, he took a look at Quan Jing's hand, seeing the red mark on her wrist, Nangong Yuting's ink pupils turned red.



Fang Qingqing, who had just stood up after being pushed down on the chair, looked up and met those eyes of death.

She shrank her neck, and looked at Nangong Yuting with still admiration.

Nangong family, if she married him, then she would be the richest woman in Nanshi.

What's more, Nangong Yuting is so handsome...

As Fang Qingqing thought about it, a blush gradually appeared on both sides of her cheeks.

She looked obsessed: "Brother Yu Ting..."

(End of this chapter)

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