The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 382: Purgatory on Earth

Chapter 382: Purgatory on Earth
Fang Qingqing's "Brother Yuting" not only made Nangong Yuting feel sick, but also made Quan Jing's eyes widen.

Noticing something wrong with the girl, Nangong Yuting frowned, and what he said was extremely cold-blooded: "Who allowed you to call me that?"

As he said that, Nangong Yuting cast a cold glance at the people around him who hadn't left yet: "I don't want to be expelled from the entertainment industry tomorrow, so I advise you to leave immediately."

As soon as Nangong Yuting's words came out, those female stars who were still thinking of capturing him were instantly frightened like a mouse seeing a cat, and ran away quickly.

In just 3 minutes, only Nangong Yuting, Quan Jing and Fang Qingqing in front of them were left in the venue.

It's not that Quan Jing didn't want to leave, but when she was about to leave, Nangong Yuting stopped her: "Quanquan, wait a minute."

The voice was different from Fang Qingqing's indifference, soft and outrageous.

Before Quan Jing could make a sound, Fang Qingqing challenged her again: "Who are you? Why is Brother Yu Ting being so kind to you?"

This time, Quan Jing really disliked Fang Qingqing.

Not only do they dislike her, but also...the name she calls Nangong Yuting.

Nangong Yuting found out that the woman in front of her didn't seem to have heard of it, and she was even a little crazy?

He frowned severely: "Your name."

Fang Qingqing thought he had fallen in love with her, and replied shyly, "My name is Fang Qingqing, you can call me..." Qingqing.

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Nangong Yuting took out her mobile phone and made a call.

He said it in front of Quan Jing: "Notify the General Administration and block Fang Qingqing."

Before it was over, he hung up the phone and called Feng Zhe again.

As soon as the call was connected, Nangong Yuting directly ordered without saying a word: "In three minutes, call two security guards to the venue and take away the crazy woman inside."

At this time, Fang Qingqing had already fallen into fantasy.

She didn't even know what Nangong Yuting said on the phone.

All she knew was that he looked on the phone... so handsome.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on Quan Jing who was behind Nangong Yuting, she looked like a shrew: "Brother Yuting, who is she? Why did you get mixed up with her... Is it not enough for you to have me? Why do you want to protect her?" , get out of the way, let me tear the face of this little bitch..."

Speaking of which, Fang Qingqing was going to drag Quanjing again.

However, this time, Nangong Yuting took good care of Quan Jing and couldn't allow Fang Qingqing to get any closer.

Not only that, he kept his distance from Fang Qingqing calmly, and didn't let her approach him even half a step!

Seeing Fang Qingqing's madness, Nangong Yuting frowned, thinking, when did Feng Zhe's efficiency become so bad?
I was thinking about it.


The door of the venue was kicked open.

Feng Zhe rushed over with two security guards, came to Nangong Yuting, and called out respectfully: "Boss."

Nangong Yuting gave a cold "Yes", pointed at Fang Qingqing, and said ruthlessly, "Send her to the madhouse."

Feng Zhe was surprised, but he never refuted his boss's words: "Yes, boss!"

Greeted the two security guards to do it, and exited the venue tactfully.

Fang Qingqing, who was dragged away, was not a master of peace, she kept calling "Brother Yu Ting" and saying "how can you bear to abandon me", which made Feng Zhe tremble with fear.

Following a cold gaze, he was so frightened that he immediately took off his leather shoes and stuffed her mouth with a smelly sock.

No wonder he saw the boss's face so ugly just now.

This is simply hell on earth...

 I haven't asked for tickets for a long time, please ask for a wave of tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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