Chapter 428 Friday

Without making Quan Jing more entangled, Nangong Yuting took her to a western restaurant for dinner.

The name of the western restaurant is Zhouba, which is a very interesting restaurant.

After lunch, Quan Jing suddenly realized: "Don't you have to work today?"

Nangong Yuting: "..." His girl, the reaction arc was too slow.

Long before he left the company, he had it all set up.

Because...from next week, he will have no time to accompany her.

In previous years, he would definitely not be in such a hurry.

Work is always available and always gets done.

However, this year there is one more her.

He hoped that during the Chinese New Year, he could spend time with her.

So, before that, he had to deal with all the follow-up.

But there's no need to let her know about it.

Staring at the girl's beautiful little face, Nangong Yuting reached out and squeezed her face: "I will accompany you today."

Quan Jingpa pulled his hand down, accusing: "You hurt me!"

Rubbing the place Nangong Yuting pinched with his hands just now, Quan Jing tilted his head and blinked: "Then you can accompany me to a place this afternoon."

Nangong Yuting smiled and agreed: "Okay."

familiar neighborhood.

Su Hui moved a chair and sat in the yard basking in the sun.

The warm sun shone down, and the whole person was warm.


"Aunt Su."

A sweet voice sounded.

Su Hui opened her eyes and saw Quan Jing and Nangong Yuting behind her.

Seeing Nangong Yuting for the first time, Su Hui was taken aback.

After all, she is an elderly person who has seen the world, Su Hui quickly controlled her emotions and showed a kind smile: "Jingjing is here, this is..."

Quan Jing pulled Nangong Yuting over, and introduced generously: "Aunt Su, he is my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend", let alone Su Hui, even Nangong Yuting was startled.

She... admitted his identity!

Nangong Yuting didn't call for someone for a long time, Quan Jing elbowed him: "What are you doing in a daze? Call someone."

Seeing the girl's facial expression towards him, Nangong Yuting called Su Hui in a great mood: "Aunt Su."

Gentleman, handsome, extraordinary temperament, this is Su Hui's first impression of Nangong Yuting.

She responded, and waved to Quan Jing: "Jing Jing, come here, Auntie has something to say to you."

Quan Jing blinked and looked up at Nangong Yuting.

Nangong Yuting: "It's okay, you go, I'll wait for you here."

Go to the other side.

Su Wei suddenly became very serious: "Jingjing, you and him... are you serious?"

Quan Jing nodded: "Yes."

She didn't hide it at all, Su Hui was speechless for a moment.

After a while, she continued, "Do your parents know about this?"

Quan Jingcai, she still has a great youth, and she still has to chase her dreams, how could she... fall into the abyss of love so easily!

Unexpectedly, Su Hui would suddenly mention Quan Tianxiang and Wen Shuwan, Quan Jing shook her head sullenly: "I don't know."

Su Hui raised her eyebrows: "Then you..."

Quan Jing didn't wait for her to finish, and interrupted her: "Aunt Su, I know, I know everything... He and I are really not what you think!"

Seeing how she was eager to explain, Su Hui didn't say anything, but asked her to call Nangong Yuting over.

Quan Jing pursed her lips and had no choice but to call someone over.

She wanted to hear what they had to say, but Su Hui never gave her this chance.

After staying in the yard for 10 minutes, Su Hui and Nangong Yuting came back.

Quan Jing immediately ran to Nangong Yuting's side, staring at Su Hui with a pair of eyes.

Su Hui: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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