The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 429 I Love You So Much!

Chapter 429 I Love You So Much!

Knowing that Quan Jing would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Su Hui ignored her eyes and asked, "Why do you want to come to me today?"

Quan Jing came back to her senses, walked forward with a smile and took Su Hui's arm, and said sweetly: "Aunt Su, there is something I would like to ask for your help."

Su Hui was surprised: "Oh?"

Then, Quan Jing told Su Hui about her participation in the "K&Q World Ceremony".

Hearing that she planned to use original songs for every show, Su Hui was more proud than she was initially dazed.

Quan Jing's musical enlightenment was awakened by her.

Watching her progress day by day, she is the most touched.

It's a pity...she can never return to that stage again.

Thinking about it, Su Hui looked at her hands sadly, with a lonely expression.

Nangong Yuting, who was standing aside, noticed this scene, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

It seems that this Aunt Su also has a story...

Quan Jing knew that Su Hui was also an original musician, and all the trophies and certificates in the study told her that Aunt Su could play music.

Although I don't know why she quit the music scene, but in terms of music, Su Wei can be called her predecessor.

correct!Aunt Su also knew Uncle Yunchen!
She later learned that Uncle Yunchen made his debut as a singer in the early stage.

That's why...she thought, come over and ask Aunt Su to help, listen to her song, and give her some advice by the way.

Hearing the girl's chirping voice, Su Hui felt helpless.

How can this child pick on her weakness?

As soon as she refused, she acted like a baby, just like when she was a child.

Finally, Su Hui waved her hand: "Forget it, let's start."

When Quan Jing heard this, she immediately smiled: "Aunt Su, I love you so much!"

Nangong Yuting: "..." The first time a stupid daughter-in-law said she loved you, she turned out to be jealous of someone else!
However, Su Hui is an elder, so he can only endure it.

All afternoon.

Quan Jing was discussing the new song with Su Hui.

It was precisely because of this that Quan Jing fully realized that Su Ani was not just an original musician!
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Quan Jing said goodbye and left.

In the yard, Quan Jing stepped forward and hugged Su Hui: "Aunt Su, thank you so much today."

Su Hui patted her on the back, her voice was different from Wen Shuwan's gentleness: "Compete well, Auntie is waiting for you to win the championship."

Quan Jing smiled slightly, with confidence in his eyes: "Okay."

With that said, she waved goodbye.

Nangong Yuting said "goodbye" very gentlemanly.

Su Hui didn't let go of her hands until the figures of the two disappeared, and muttered to herself: "It seems that it's time for me to leave."

On the way back to Quan's house.

Nangong Yuting suddenly said: "This Aunt Su..."

He just said a few words, Quan Jing chattered like a magpie non-stop: "Aunt Su is very nice, I often came to Aunt Su's house to play when I was young, and Aunt Su also taught me to sing..."

Listening to her saying "Aunt Su" on the left and "Aunt Su" on the right, Nangong Yuting was very pleased.

Maybe she talked alone for a long time but no one responded, Quan Jing paused for a moment: "Why don't you talk anymore?"

Who knows, Nangong Yuting suddenly said: "Why don't you call me Brother Yuting?"

Quan Jing: "..."

That's what she yelled when she was a child, but if she is asked to yell now, she really can't yell.

Nangong Yuting: "Huh?"

Quan Jing was sloppy: "Then what, I will be filming tomorrow, and I will write a new song for the competition tonight, so I may not have time to chat with you recently."

Nangong Yuting: "..." Forget it, the little girl is shy, so he won't force her, see how the topic has changed...

(End of this chapter)

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