The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 430 I Don't Dare To Provoke Her

Chapter 430 I Don't Dare To Provoke Her
18 number.

Qin Jing's concert was held at the Conservatory of Music next door to Diyi.

Seven in the morning.

The students of the Conservatory of Music spontaneously cleaned everything around the school.

The red carpet was also spread from the school gate to the playground.

Many of Qin Jing's fans were waiting at the school gate with support cards.

Not long after, a nanny car stopped at the entrance of the Conservatory of Music.

click -

The door is open.

Song Zhen got out of the car first, followed by Qin Jing's assistant.

When Qin Jing got out of the car, a group of students and fans swarmed up, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

"Qin Jing, Qin Jing, I love you like a mouse loves rice!"

"Qin Jing, Crystal will always support you!"


Not long after, bodyguards came and escorted Qin Jing into the Conservatory of Music.

Qin Jing greeted her fans and college students along the way, with a bright smile on her face.

After walking to the makeshift dressing room and blocking out all sounds, Qin Jing asked her assistant, "Have Quan Jing's roommates been notified?"

The assistant nodded and bowed: "Go back to Sister Qin, I have notified you, it's just..."

Qin Jing squinted: "Huh?"

The assistant panicked and stuttered: "Quan Jing has a roommate named Sheng...Sheng Ke, her reputation is a bit...I dare not provoke her."

At the first glance, Qin Jing was a little surprised: "Sheng Ke? It's just a college student. What are you afraid of?"


She didn't tell Qin Jing that she was actually from Xishi.

Sheng Ke's reputation is well-known in West Market.

After all, the titles of Sheng Witch and Tiger Tyrant are not for nothing!
Ignoring the assistant's trepidation, Qin Jing waved her hand to let her back down.

It's exactly ten o'clock.

Qin Jing put on a white dress and earbuds, and walked towards the stage gracefully.

Standing on the stage, she greeted everyone with a sweet voice: "Hello everyone, I am Qin Jing, I am very glad that you can come to my concert..."

After talking for a few minutes, Qin Jing started her singing.

I don't know if she has been paying attention to Sheng Ke's arrival, but when Qin Jing sang, she was obviously not in a good mood.

However, the group of people at the scene were all Qin Jing's fans, and they didn't care how well Qin Jing sang.

As long as that person is her, no matter what she sings, they all like it!

Others are more or less just looking at celebrities, and they don't care too much about it.

Just like that, Qin Jing sang three songs in a row, and Sheng Ke, Chi Yutong, and Ye Qingqing came late.

Seeing the figures of the three, Qin Jing raised a smug smile.

So she sang even harder on stage.

The three of Sheng Ke originally stayed in the dormitory.

Somebody ran over and said that Quan Jing had asked them to go to the music academy next door.

The three of them are not stupid, of course they know this is fake.

Quan Jing has to go to filming every weekend, how could he invite them to some music academy?
What's more, it's not a good place to go to ask them out, why go next door?
So, Chi Yutong inquired secretly, and found out that Qin Jing was holding a concert next door today.

Earlier, Quan Jing was hacked by the whole Internet, causing a lot of trouble. It is reported that Qin Jing also got involved...

Chi Yutong muttered softly: "This Qin Jing, I'm afraid the visitor is not kind."

Sheng Ke raised his eyebrows.

Ye Qingqing asked: "Why is the visitor not good at the law?"

Chi Yutong told her everything she knew.

After listening, Sheng Ke said coldly: "Go, go to the next door."

Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing looked at each other.

Although they don't know what's wrong with this one, the two really dare not "disobey" her.

This is the scene where the three of them came to the music academy...

(End of this chapter)

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