The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 507 "Nirvana"

Chapter 507 "Nirvana"

After eating a lollipop, Quan Jing's mood calmed down a little.

Take out the staff and prepare to continue to perfect the songs to be sung in the finals.

As soon as he picked up the pen, the phone on the table vibrated continuously.

Just as she was about to turn her phone to silent, she caught the word "starry sky" sharply.

After clicking in, she saw a series of messages sent to her by An Yimo.

The starry sky exploded?
Quan Jing's first reaction was how could it be possible!

The update of JY-Yuneng is not bad, but it’s also explosive?

She thought so in her heart, but she still clicked on the Youchuang Manga APP honestly, and as expected, she saw the tenth painting in "Starry Sky".

For a while, Quan Jing also forgot to compose the music, and plunged into the comics.

Every painting of JY-Yu has a point that can poke people's hearts. The two characters, Mo Bai and Yu Sheng, are completely alive under his brush.

They are just like normal people, in the world of comics, they can cry, laugh, quarrel, quarrel...

Seeing the tenth painting, Quan Jing's heart ached.

Because...she seemed to see herself.

The other party was silent for a long time, An Yimo directly played a video call.

Quan Jing was startled awake, blinked twice, and connected to the video.

An Yimo's big face instantly popped out of the window: "Jingzi Jingzi, have you read the comics? Let me tell you..."

The sound of the video was played externally, and Quan Jing didn't deliberately avoid Sheng Ke and the others. Naturally, An Yimo's voice fell into the ears of everyone in the dormitory.

Knowing Yi An Yimo's temperament clearly, if she didn't stop her, she might be able to talk in a daze.

So, at the moment before she said anything, Quan Jing said in time: "Momo, let's talk about the comics another day, I still have something to do..."

An Yimo blinked: "Okay, let's stop here first, go get busy."

After hanging up the video, Quan Jing looked up again, and suddenly met three pairs of eyes.

She was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, she smiled and said to them: "She is the Momo I mentioned to you before, someday I have a chance, and I will introduce you to each other."

Sheng Ke: "Okay."

Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing looked at each other, and nodded in agreement.

Maybe An Yimo's nagging gave her inspiration, not long after the video call ended, Quan Jing immediately had a new idea.

Seeing that Quan Jing was busy, Sheng Ke and the others didn't bother her.

For the next two days, Quan Jing was completely in a semi-"retreat" mode.

Except for class, eating, and sleeping, she spends almost all her time writing new songs.

Quan Jing named this song "Nirvana".

In ancient times, there was a phoenix rebirth from Nirvana, and now there is music Nirvana reappearing!
She just wanted to let everyone know... the magic of music.

"Nirvana" is a song that is biased towards ancient styles, which incorporates the essence of ancient culture and needs to be savored carefully.

She has a rosewood lute with a very good sound quality, very clear and bright.

Ancient musical instruments with ancient songs, perfect.

So for this scene, Quan Jing planned to play and sing by himself.

East City.

Dongli Plaza.

The LED advertising screen will be replaced with a new picture every 30 seconds.

Every frame is a person.

For example, at this second, the figure of Gu Qiaoqiao appeared, next to which was written "Gu Qiaoqiao, one of the top ten contestants in the 'K&Q World Festival'".

Some passers-by stared at the advertising screen for a long time, unable to see why, and finally shook their heads and said "I don't know".

The screen changed again and again, and finally——

"Ahh! It's a little fairy!"

Some people were even more excited to take photos and check in on the spot, all kinds of Amway with passers-by.

Not everyone can watch the live broadcast of music competitions, and not everyone knows Quan Jing.

However, everyone who has seen Quan Jing will be overwhelmed by her flourishing beauty.

This girl is so handsome!

(End of this chapter)

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