The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 508 I have to protect you

Chapter 508 I have to protect you

21 number.

After class in the afternoon, Quan Jing left Diyi after saying hello to the counselor.

This time, he was going to Dongshi, and Sheng Ke followed without thinking.

No matter how Quan Jing tried to persuade her, she refused to go back.

Asking is a sentence "I have to protect you".

This guy is very aggressive, and Quan Jing can only compromise in the end.

School gate.

Han Dongqing was already waiting.

Seeing Sheng Ke following behind Quan Jing, she was also a little surprised, but she didn't say anything.

Sitting in the car, Quan Jing said sweetly: "Sister Han, wait until we start, I asked my family to send me something."

Originally, Quan Jing planned to go back to get the pipa by herself.

But thinking that it would take a lot of time to go back and forth on the road, and then rush to the airport, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up.

So, at noon, she called home and asked Uncle Zhou to deliver her red sandalwood pipa.

At this point, Uncle Zhou should be arriving soon.

Waited almost 10 minutes.

A low-key Volkswagen appeared in Quan Jing's field of vision.

She got out of the car and waited for someone.

After getting the pipa and seeing off Uncle Zhou, Quan Jing returned to the car and said to Han Dongqing, "Sister Han, you can go."

Glancing at Quan Jing through the car's rearview mirror, Han Dongqing responded and drove towards the road to Nanwan Airport.

two hours later.

South Bay Airport.

Han Dongqing turned her head: "Go and collect the tickets first, and then wait for me in the waiting room."

Quan Jing had an obedient face: "Alright, Miss Han."

Because he didn't expect Sheng Ke to follow, Han Dongqing only asked Xiao Chen to buy tickets for her and Quan Jing.

Sheng Ke asked for the flight number and placed an order online.

The order was a bit late, and the business class was no longer available. Sheng Ke, who was not used to the economy class, directly bought the first class.

Quan Jing: "..." Rich and willful.

The plane took off at 35:[-] pm, and it was already [-]:[-] pm when we arrived in Dongshi.

As a newcomer, Quan Jing was a little taken aback by feeling the temperature in Dongshi.

She didn't expect that the people in the East City would only wear a thin sweater when it was so cold in the South City?

The temperature difference is too big!

Han Dongqing walked in the front: "Let's go, take you to dinner first, then go back to the hotel to have a good night's rest, recharge your energy, and play hard tomorrow."

Quan Jing nodded obediently, and Sheng Ke had no objection.

The night in Dongshi is very long.

After washing her hair and taking a shower, Quan Jing simply played a video for the family.

Soon, Wen Shuwan's figure appeared on the screen, and Quan Jing sweetly called "Mommy".

At the other end of the video, Wen Shuwan let out an "ah".

As the saying goes, when the son is thousands of miles away, the mother is worried in every possible way.

The same goes for Wen Shuwan, who couldn't help telling Quan Jing to take good care of herself when she was alone outside.

The nagging words were full of affection, and Quan Jing listened to them all: "Mum, I know. Tomorrow night, I will definitely appear in front of you full of energy!"

Wen Shuwan smiled slightly: "Okay, take the championship trophy."

Quan Jing embarrassment.

Even though she came here for the championship, Mommy said this as if the championship already belonged to her.

Scratching his head, Quan Jing said a few more vague words, said "good night", and hung up the video.

As soon as she turned around, she met Sheng Ke's calm eyes.

Quan Jing: "..." Why do you have the illusion of being caught for doing something wrong?
The next second, she raised a sweet smile: "Ake, are you done washing?"

Sheng Ke nodded.

With that appearance, it was impossible to tell whether she had heard the chat between Quan Jing and Wen Shuwan.

Seeing Quan Jing staring at her all the time, Sheng Ke closed her eyes: "Aren't you sleeping yet? Don't you want to compete tomorrow?"

Quan Jing immediately lifted the quilt, muttered "I'm going to sleep now", and closed his eyes to rest.

Sheng Ke shook her head, let the wind blow on the balcony for a while, turned off the lights, lay down, and fell asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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