Chapter 509

The morning sun shines into the room.

Quan Jing wakes up in a daze, and immediately sees Sheng Ke not far away, fully dressed.

Quan Jing was taken aback for a moment, then sat up abruptly: "Ah...Ah Ke? Why do you get up so early!"

Sheng Ke looked back at her and said nothing.

Reluctantly, he glanced at the time on the watch, 06:18.

Quan Jing: "..." Well, it's not too early.

After packing up and confirming that nothing was left behind, the two appeared in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

Han Dongqing had ordered breakfast and was waiting there.

Seeing the two, she raised her hand: "Here."

Calling "Sister Han", Quan Jing sat down on the chair opposite her, and Sheng Ke also pulled aside the chair beside her and sat down.

On the dining table, there were three bowls of white rice porridge, a basket of steamed buns, a basket of siu mai, and a bowl of side dishes made by the hotel.

After breakfast, the three called a car and went to the competition site.

At this moment.

Dongli Square is very lively.

Xu Shi didn't see Quan Jing for two days on the 20th and 21st.

Early this morning, many fans gathered around the square.

Some fans even rushed over from the next city overnight, just to see Quan Jing!
The number of fans was too large, and the staff had to dispatch security.

When Quan Jing and the others arrived, they couldn't enter the scene at all.

The "Little Fairy" that rang in my ears from time to time was very powerful.

Even Sheng Ke was shocked by Quan Jing's popularity.

Han Dongqing even contacted the event manager in Dongshi immediately.

If the crowd is not separated in time, Quan Jing may not be able to make it to the scene in a short time.

After regaining her senses, Quan Jing heard what Han Dongqing said to the person in charge. She lowered her eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "Sister Han, why don't I go out and talk to them?"

Han Dongqing had a serious face: "No."

On the side, Sheng Ke also said: "There are too many people."

After about 10 minutes, the scene finally vacated a way.

Then, the voice calling for Quan Jing became louder.

Han Dongqing clenched her fist and coughed lightly, "I'll go out first later, Quan Jing, you follow me, just walk on the red carpet."

The corner of Quan Jing's mouth twitched: "Alright, Miss Han."

Afterwards, Han Dongqing looked at Sheng Ke again: "As for you... Quan Jing's safety is in your hands."

Sheng Ke stared and nodded cautiously.

The moment Quan Jing appeared, someone fainted from excitement.

Some people only know "ah ah ah" to express their inner joy.

The voices are getting higher and higher.

"Little fairy, I love you!"

I don't know who yelled this sentence, Quan Jing looked back and smiled lightly: "I love you too."

When a beauty smiles, it can be a city!

Someone captured Quan Jing's smile, as if he had obtained a diluted treasure, and showed off to the people around him in various ways: "Hahaha, I caught it!"

There were also some people who escaped the sight of the security guards, took advantage of people's unpreparedness, and rushed in front of Quan Jing...

Unfortunately, before he could say a word, he was subdued by Sheng Ke.

Sheng Ke's action can be regarded as a deterrent to everyone.

Finally, Quan Jing arrived at the game site before eight o'clock.

Taking the pipa from Han Dongqing, Quan Jing sincerely apologized to everyone: "Sorry, I'm late."

Knowing that she didn't do it on purpose, everyone said "it doesn't matter".

At the right time, a figure came over: "Hello, contestants, we meet again."

The voice was somewhat familiar, Quan Jing turned around, and saw Yang Bin winking at her.

After greeting the people around, Yang Bin walked up to Quan Jing enthusiastically: "Little fairy, I really miss Brother Yang, come on, give me a hug."

Quan Jing: "..."

Han Dongqing: "..."

Sheng Ke narrowed his eyes, as if he was about to strike at any moment.

 I'm really sorry, Kavin stuck to collapse, crying, there is another chapter... I wrote it during the day for everyone
(End of this chapter)

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