The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 515 The only antidote

Chapter 515 The Only Antidote

Dark night.

Under the neon lights, at the intersection.

A dense crowd surrounded there.

A girl was lying on the ground, next to a smoking car, and the shadow of a black car fleeing in a hurry could be vaguely seen.

Enthusiastic people helped to call 120, and some called the police.

In the chaos, a hurried figure staggered to the girl's side and squatted down.

In the eyes, it is bright red blood, blooming like a bright red flower.

As if sensing someone coming, the girl opened her eyes with all her strength, showing the most poignant smile, and that sound—goodbye.


"No!" The panicked voice sounded in the night.

Nangong Yuting sat up suddenly, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

After a while, he got up, went to the bathroom and washed his face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Nangong Yuting's face was solemn.

I haven't dreamed about my previous life for a long time. Could this dream be a sign?
Walking to the bedside, I picked up my phone and checked the time. It is now 02:30 in the morning.

He took the coat in his hand and put it on his body, walked slowly to the window, opened the curtains, Mo Tong stared out of the window deeply.

The cold wind howled in through the open window.

The man standing by the window didn't seem to notice the coldness, his brows didn't even frown.

For a long time, his eyes were fixed.

Putting on his coat, he picked up the car keys that he put aside, and quickly walked down the stairs.

The back garden of the Quan residence.

outside the fence.

A black Mercedes was parked on the side of the road.

Under the dim moonlight, a figure got out of the car and leaned against the car body.

Staring at a certain dark room on the second floor, the man quickly took out a cigarette and lit it.

The puffed-up smoke filled the air, as if trying to clear away the depression in his heart.

At this moment, only here, he has a little peace of mind.

early morning.

When Quan Jing wakes up, the first thing he does is draw the curtains.

The days in winter are very short, but even so, she can still see the man guarding downstairs of her house.

While being pleasantly surprised, Quan Jing was also somewhat puzzled.

How did he come so early?

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she hurried towards the back door without combing her hair.


The sound of the iron door opening sounded.

Nangong Yuting raised his eyes, and saw the girl's figure running in front of him.

There was light in the girl's eyes, and her angelic smile instantly melted his cold heart.

However, thinking of the nightmare in the middle of the night, Nangong Yuting seemed like a lifetime away.

Fortunately, in this life, she is still here.

Quan Jing came to Nangong Yuting, raised his head slightly, with a sweet smile on his face: "You are here!"

She ran in a hurry, Liu Hai ran to the front, covering her beautiful eyes.

Nangong Yuting brushed past her lightly, her voice was a little hoarse: "Well, I miss you."

Hearing something wrong with his voice, Quan Jing looked concerned: "Are you okay? Are you too tired from work recently? As I said, you have to combine work and rest, don't work all the time, and occasionally..."

Only halfway through her words, Nangong Yuting stretched out his hand, grabbed her arm, brought her into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

Quan Jing choked, staggered two steps forward, and was even more confused: "What's wrong with you?"

A low voice sounded above her head: "It's okay, let me hug you for a while."

God knows, that scene was a nightmare.

And she is his only antidote.

After all, she was still worried about Wen Shuwan and the others, Nangong Yuting let go of Quan Jing after hugging her for a while, stretched out her hand to rub her little head, raised her chin: "Go clean up, I'll take you to have breakfast."

Quan Jing blinked her eyes twice: "I've packed everything."

Nangong Yuting didn't speak, just looked at her with his eyes open.

Being looked at by him like this, Quan Jing waved her hand a little embarrassedly: "Okay, then wait for me, right away."

(End of this chapter)

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