The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 516 Is Someone Chasing You Behind?

Chapter 516 Is Someone Chasing You Behind?
It's still the same breakfast shop.

Nangong Yuting ordered Quan Jing's favorite food as usual.

During the whole meal, Quan Jing was eating and he was watching.

In the end, Quan Jing was too embarrassed to eat it.

After breakfast, Nangong Yuting sent Quan Jing to the set.

Looking at his thick dark circles, before getting out of the car, Quan Jing also told him: "Remember to combine work with rest! Don't be too tired, I will feel bad."

A girl's "distressed" is already worth thousands of words.

Nangong Yuting smiled lightly, and his handsome face instantly switched to another mode.

He nodded: "Okay, listen to you."

Quan Jing was immersed in his smile, and was stunned for a while, forgetting to join the group.

Nangong Yuting was very satisfied with the way she stared at him in a daze, silly and cute.

He rolled down the car window, stretched out his hand, pinched her little face, and said very fondly: "Silly girl, you've regained your senses."

Being teased by him, Quan Jing blushed, clapped his hand, glared at him in anger, turned around, and ran away.

Looking at her back, Nangong Yuting pursed his lips in a great mood, his eyebrows and eyes curved.

Quan Jing, who ran into the film crew, accidentally bumped into Zhao Xingang directly.

The little girl was flustered, she was really not like her before.

Zhao Xingang couldn't help teasing her: "Hey, Xiao Quanjing, what are you doing so fast? Someone is chasing you?"

Who knows, Quan Jing didn't respond, instead he ran faster.

Just in time, the field manager came over, Zhao Xin just grabbed him, and nudged forward with his chin: "What's wrong with her?"

Suddenly being pulled back, the field manager also looked confused: "Ah? Who is it?"

Zhao Xingang looked disgusted: "It's all right, let's go to your business."

Fortunately, Quan Jing learned a lot from the crew during this time, when filming, he didn't bring much personal emotion into the drama.

It is said that people are in good spirits on happy occasions.

Quanjing's progress today is particularly fast.

Zhao Xin just thought she had won the championship and was in a happy mood. She had long forgotten what happened in the morning.

Quan Jing breathed a sigh of relief at the end of the day's filming.

It has to be said that during this time her nerves were so tense that she almost forgot how to act.

When receiving the lunch box, the field manager ran over and told her that the cell phone in her bag had been ringing.

Quan Jing said "Thank you", took the lunch box, and walked to his rest area.

Putting the lunch box on the small wooden table, she took out her mobile phone from her bag.

Unlocked it, and saw that Quan Tianjing had called her three times at a glance.

Quan Jing thought that it might have something to do with the shooting of commercials, so she went back to the past.

As soon as she dialed the phone, the other party answered in seconds: "Quanquan, why don't you answer the phone?"

Quan Jing looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, Aunt Tianjing, I was filming just now."

Although it is far away in Provence, Quan Tianjing still knows the news from Nanshi to some extent.

Naturally, she also knew that Quan Jing was not only a popular female singer now, but also a popular actress in the future!
My sister-in-law was the queen of the movie before she retired from the movie. As her daughter, Quan Jing, naturally she would not be too bad.

Quan Tianjing didn't mean to blame her at first, so she exposed the matter in a few sentences, and directly talked about the business: "Quanquan, when are you free recently, Auntie Feinan City to find a suitable place, let's endorse the game The ad was shot."

Quan Jing thought for a while, and replied: "On the 3rd, the final exam is next week, and I will be on vacation after the exam."

Quan Tianjing said no problem.

The aunt and niece chatted for a while, and someone passed by, looking at the untouched food on the small wooden table: "Little fairy, you haven't eaten yet? The food won't taste good when it's cold, eat it quickly."

Quan Jing said "immediately", spoke to Quan Tianjing on the other end of the phone, and hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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