The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 517 I want to go to your house

Chapter 517 I want to go to your house

The crew of "Where I Can't Meet You" next door.

Su Ziyu received a call, and the other party said that he wanted to put someone in. His face immediately darkened, and he refused without thinking: "Impossible!"

No matter how the other party tortured him on the phone, he didn't agree.

When he took over the show, he let go of the word and did not allow anyone to bring money into the group, and he did not accept whoever arranged who played which role.

Over the years of directing, his principles have always been like this.

This person is crazy, to talk to him about this!
Secretly complaining a few words in his heart, Su Ziyu hung up the phone directly.

the other end.

The flesh on the cheeks of the man holding the phone twitched a few times.

Hearing the "beep" sound from the microphone, he walked around the desk, walked to the sofa, spread his hands, and looked weak: "Miss Tang, you heard it just now, it's not that I don't want to help You, really..."

On the sofa, Tang Rushi was admiring the new nails she just finished, and raised her red lips: "Mr. Fang, it shouldn't be difficult for you to know who the person behind me is."

The man who was called Mr. Fang wiped off the unnecessary sweat on his face, and smiled apologetically: "Yes, Miss Yu...sent someone to say hello."

Tang Rushi stood up, the height of fifteen centimeters stretched her whole body.

She held her head high, and on her white swan neck, she now wore a string of platinum necklaces that didn't match the price.

Tang Rushi reached out to touch the necklace, walked up to Mr. Fang, and exhaled like blue: "Since Mr. Fang can't help, then in my opinion, Mr. Fang doesn't need to be the vice president..."

Before she finished speaking, Mr. Fang interrupted in a panic: "No, no, Miss Tang, give me a little more time, I will think of a way, think of a way."

Tang Rushi glanced at him and smiled suddenly.

Humans always know which decision is the most correct when they are about to lose what they value.

Oh, very boring.

After leaving, Tang Ru sat in the co-pilot of a car.

In the driver's seat sat Xia Houyu.

Glancing at her sideways, Xia Houyu asked, "Where are you going?"

Tang Rushi hugged his arm, rubbed against it, and then said softly: "Ayu, I want to go to your house."

Where Tang Rushi couldn't see, Xia Houyu's eyes under the mirror frame were slightly condensed.

After a while, he said softly: "Today is not convenient, another day, huh?"

When he said this, Tang Rushi couldn't force him anymore, so he could only change the address: "Okay then, go to my place."

After terminating the contract with Xinghuang, she used her small coffers to buy a villa of [-] square meters, which was just over Changhong Road.

Although she was the only one living alone, occasionally Xia Houyu would come over to accompany her, and her childhood was quite comfortable.

Besides, she should be lucky, right?After leaving Xinghuang, after Weibo became popular, a company immediately signed a contract with her.

At present, she has two more endorsements in her hands, one with a good role as the second female role.

Compared to before, she is quite good now.

Today, she heard that something happened to the third female character in "Where I Don't Met You", and the scene might be postponed, so she used Xia Houyu to secretly find someone to replace this role.

Who knew that Mr. Fang had no ability at all, and couldn't handle even a small role, which wasted a lot of her time.

There is also that Su Ziyu, because he is a great director, there are not many reasons, but there are a lot of rules.

The guy who doesn't eat oil and salt really pissed her off!

(End of this chapter)

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