The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 518 She Was Beautiful

Chapter 518 She Was Beautiful
After hanging up the phone, Su Ziyu told his assistant a few words, and walked around the film crew by himself.

When he came back, his eyes were fixed on the front without pausing.

Not far away, Quan Jing was wearing the attire of a goddess in the God Realm when she was young, with her hair half tied and half draped, and light makeup, her appearance was very eye-catching.

I don't know if it's Su Ziyu's illusion, but she always feels that the girl in front of her is more suitable for the heroine role of "Where I Don't Met You"!

Suddenly, someone called him.

Su Ziyu turned his head to look, and saw Zhao Xin just walking towards him.

When he looked forward again, there was no shadow of Quan Jing.

With a stinky face, he looked at Zhao Xingang: "What do you want me to do?"

Zhao Xingang shrugged: "Hey, look at what you said, I can't call you anymore?"

Su Ziyu, who was already in a bad mood, missed an excellent role because of Zhao Xingang's appearance, and he was even more upset: "I can't."

After the words fell, he turned and left.

Unfortunately, Zhao Xingang refused to let him go: "Why did you say that, I provoked you?"

The crew of the two is next door, and they can't see each other every day when they look up.

It's just that Su Ziyu stays in his group all the year round and rarely comes out.

On the other hand, Zhao Xingang would go to the next door for a walk if he had nothing to do.

When Su Ziyu doesn't want to talk, no matter how much you whisper in his ear, he won't say a word.

That's it right now.

Zhao Xin just talked for a long time, but he didn't say a word!

"Director Zhao, the little fairy is looking for you!" The voice of the field manager sounded from not far away.

Zhao Xingang immediately dropped Su Ziyu, raised his hand and shouted over there: "Hey, here we come."

Su Ziyu, who thought he knew Zhao Xingang, said, "???" He just left?

etc!Fairy?He seems to have heard this name somewhere...

By coincidence, Su Ziyu followed behind Zhao Xingang and went to the crew next door for the first time.


Quan Jing didn't know that he was discovered.

She just thought of a new way of acting, and wanted to discuss it with others.

In the end, Shi Xiwen was not there, and neither was Zhao Xingang!
These two people, why are there no one at the critical moment?
In desperation, Quan Jing went to the field manager, let him see Zhao Xingang and told her.

Well, the other party saw the person when he turned his head, and called him back loudly.

Quan Jing: "..."

Just as Zhao Xin returned to the set, he was about to walk towards Quan Jing. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Su Ziyu who was following behind him: "!!! Come on, why are you following here?"

Su Ziyu looked around him, and saw Quan Jing not far away at a glance.

It's her, the girl from just now!

Seeing Su Ziyu staring at Quan Jing, Zhao Xingang instantly had the illusion that the Chinese cabbage he planted was about to be picked.

With his hands on his hips, he stood sideways in front of Su Ziyu, tipped his toes slightly, and looked like a tiger: "Boy Su, I'm talking to you!"

Not far away, Quan Jing, who watched Zhao Xingang's move, couldn't help laughing "puchi".

Director Zhao is too cute!

With her smile, Su Ziyu felt even more regretful. He ignored Zhao Xingang's extraneous actions, and only stretched out his hand, pointing to Quan Jing, and asked, "Director Zhao, who is she?"

Following the direction of his finger, Zhao Xingang naturally saw Quan Jing, and raised his eyebrows: "She, my mistress, what's the matter?"

Su Ziyu nodded: "She is very beautiful."

Zhao Xin just blurted out without thinking: "That's right, I don't care who chose it."

Halfway through speaking, Zhao Xingang looked wary: "Wait! What do you want to do?"

Who knows, Su Ziyu ignored him at all and walked towards Quan Jing...

(End of this chapter)

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