The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 522 Acting coquettishly, acting cute

Chapter 522 Acting coquettishly, acting cute

Yes, I heard before that the school will hold a New Year's Eve party.

Before Quan Jing could make a sound, Chi Yutong rushed over immediately, extremely excited: "Little fairy, do you have any arrangements here?"

Quan Jing was unclear, so: "What arrangement?"

Chi Yutong: "..."

Turning around and meeting Ye Qingqing's eyes, Chi Yutong continued: "Of course it's the arrangement of the program group! For example, singing a song with me, Mushen, or..."

Hearing what she said, the corners of Quan Jing's mouth twitched.

That's why she was so excited when she came back just now?

Turning his gaze, he fell on Sheng Ke who was silent at the side, and Quan Jing called softly: "A Ke? Why don't you speak?"

Sheng Ke folded his arms around his chest, with a cold face: "There is nothing to say."

Quan Jing choked.

Considering Sheng Ke's temperament, she didn't force her.

Pulling out the chair and sitting down, she tilted her head slightly and blinked twice: "By the way, Yutong, Qingqing, when will you finish the exam?"

The animation design major is the exam on the 25th, and it will end on the morning of the 27th.

As soon as the exam was mentioned, Chi Yutong became numb.

There are too many things she needs to memorize when she learns to travel, it is a waste of brain cells and a headache!

At the beginning, she thought, how great it would be to be a tour guide. You can go around and play, and you don't need money.

Nima, don't remember too many things in this mess!
Ye Qingqing was honest: "We are also tomorrow, but we will not finish the exam until the afternoon of the 27th."

Thinking that he would have enough time, Quan Jing made an appointment with them to have a meal together after the exam.

As soon as Chi Yutong heard about the meal, Chi Yutong became excited, and didn't care about tomorrow's exam at all, and kept yelling when, where, and what they were going to eat.

Quan Jing and the others: "..."

After a sound sleep, I woke up the next day refreshed instantly!

Quan Jing sweetly said to Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing, "Come on for the exam", and walked towards the classroom with Sheng Ke.

Different from other schools, in the final exam of Diyi, students of each major take the exam in the large classroom of their major.

The large classroom is very large, and there is a table between each person, and the distance of an aisle makes it difficult for students to cheat.

Three days passed in a flash.

The freshman semester is over.

Quan Jing is not worried about theoretical knowledge at all, but her painting skills...

Although she was busy writing new songs and participating in competitions during this time, she still found time to practice drawing.

Even when she was filming in the crew, she was still drawing with a board.

The art teacher of the crew also pointed her out.

It may be that she really has no talent for painting. She always feels that her paintings are very ordinary.

Like a person without a soul, the paintings she draws also lack charm.

Knowing what she was struggling with, Chi Yutong waved his hands carelessly: "Oh, I said little fairy, don't worry, the university teachers won't be so strict. As long as you usually have a good class, roll call is not Come on, do your after-school homework well, and the teacher will give it to you in normal times. At worst, you can act like a baby to the teacher, show off your cuteness, and make sure you pass the level!"

Quan Jing: "..."

Ye Qingqing: "..."

Sheng Ke glanced at Chi Yutong, then turned to Quan Jing and said, "Your painting skills have improved a lot, you have to believe in yourself."

Sheng Ke said so, Quan Jing no longer struggled.

It just so happened that everyone finished the exam today, so the four of them discussed that they would go out to have a big meal at noon tomorrow!
But Chi Yutong was overjoyed: "Long live the little fairy!"

(End of this chapter)

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