Chapter 523
Lan Feng Hotel.

This is a five-star hotel. I heard that the master chef here was invited by the owner after visiting the thatched cottage three times.

The taste is so authentic that people want to eat it once and want to eat it a second time.

Quan Jing also ate here twice.

She thought, before they ate hot pot together, this time, they had something special.

The first time they walked into the hotel, let alone Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing, Sheng Ke raised his eyebrows calmly.

Seeing four people, a waiter came over to entertain them: "Hello, how many people are there?"

Quan Jing smiled lightly: "Four of you."

Quan Jing knew very well that the waiters here were all professionally trained, even if Mu Yunchen came, they would not change their faces.

Sure enough, seeing Quan Jing, the waiter was only surprised for three seconds, and then showed a professional smile: "Okay, please come with me."

Bring Quan Jing and the others into a four-person private room, and when they finished ordering, the waiter left.

It took a long time for Chi Yutong to realize that she had arrived at some kind of fairy hotel, bah, hotel.

She pulled the wrist of Ye Qingqing who was sitting next to her both excitedly and anxiously: "Qingqing, it's actually Lan Feng, Lan Feng! Am I dreaming? I... I just ordered a few dishes ? Can you still return!"

As a qualified foodie, as early as the first day of school, Chi Yutong had already looked up the names of all kinds of delicious restaurants near Diyi Academy, and she didn't even miss the surrounding food stalls!

On weekends, she will follow the navigation by herself, find a place she has never eaten, and eat and drink by herself first.

Because Ye Qingqing has a part-time job, Chi Yutong is alone every time.

Lanfeng Hotel is the place Chi Yutong wanted to come to but couldn't.

Firstly, the consumption here is very high, at least tens of thousands for a meal; secondly, it is boring for her to eat in a big restaurant alone.

To be honest, it was because she was poor.

Therefore, Chi Yutong wanted to cry when he thought that she had ordered tens of thousands of dishes just now.

Seeing her excited look, Ye Qingqing didn't understand why.

Quan Jing propped his chin with one hand, and teased Chi Yutong wickedly: "No way, the dishes ordered here cannot be returned."

When Chi Yutong heard this, he made a gesture of worship with both hands, and pretended to cry: "Ah - I'm dead, kill me, one meal has eaten up my living expenses for more than half a year, my heart aches..."

Hearing her howl, Quan Jing couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth twitching.

Sheng Ke glanced at her, then looked at Quan Jing without leaving a trace, and quickly looked away with a thoughtful expression on his face.

In the entire private room, Ye Qingqing was probably the only one still in the mood to settle accounts, muttering something in a low voice.


"Does a dish cost one hundred here?"

According to Yutong, they just ordered ten dishes, and if calculated at 1 yuan, one dish would cost 100 yuan.I'm afraid... this meal is more than 1 yuan!

Quan Jing: "???"

Chi Yutong: "???"

Sheng Ke also looked up at Ye Qingqing.

Afterwards, the three of them heard Ye Qingqing babble a lot of accounting terminology, which they couldn't understand either.

Quan Jing rubbed the center of her brows, quite helplessly: "Ann, I brought you here, of course I'm here to treat you, so you can eat with peace of mind."

Chi Yutong first shouted "Long live the little fairy", and then frowned: " can't always invite us."

Ye Qingqing nodded in agreement: "That's right, Quan Jing, how can I always ask you to pay, let's all pay together."

Sheng Ke stood up abruptly.

The three of them looked at her together.

After leaving a sentence of "I invite you this time", she walked out of the private room...

(End of this chapter)

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