The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 555 Draw a Circle and Curse Them

Chapter 555 Draw a Circle and Curse Them
"Depend on!"

People passing by: "..." Is there something wrong with the assistant, Little Fairy?

An Yimo, who didn't know what the crew thought of him, looked at a bunch of pirated copies of "Starry Sky" on the webpage, and was so angry!
She doesn't deny that Mrs. Yu's popularity is high, but if the pirated version continues like this in the long run, I'm afraid not many people will read the genuine comics again.

What happened to Youman?They don’t even know how to protect the rights of their own authors!
Angrily, she found the official blog of Youchuang Comics Studio, and An Yimo typed a lot of words and sent a private message.

When Quan Jing came back from the play, he saw An Yimo's puffy face, looking unhappy.

Blinking her eyes twice, Quan Jing opened the chair and sat beside her: "Momo, are you okay?"

She was worried that she couldn't find anyone to tell her. As soon as she heard Quan Jing calling her, An Yimo immediately told Quan Jing all about the pirated version of "Starry Sky" like pouring beans.

Quan Jing also liked "Starry Sky" very much, and frowned inadvertently when he heard that it was pirated.

Seeing her like this, An Yimo waved his hand with a confident look: "It's okay, it's Mrs. Yu who hasn't made a move yet, once he makes a move, those people won't be able to jump around for a few days."

Quan Jing: "???" What's with her confused and confident smile?

Before Quan Jing could think about it, the recorder called for another scene to be filmed.

Throwing away the thoughts in her mind, Quan Jing calmed down and continued filming.

In the night wind, flakes of snow fell.

In front of the window, a figure stood there.

The magic crown faded away, and the makeup was washed away, as if returning to the beginning...

Unfortunately, I can't go back.

She, Emperor Jiuhuang, has always been fearless in the world.

Even if it becomes a demon, so what?


In this scene, Quan Jing has no lines.

However, looking at that lonely figure, I feel inexplicably worried.

Di Jiuhuang, what a noble god, but he can't escape the word "love".

Sure enough, the word love hurts the most!
"Ka-ok, perfect!"

As soon as Zhao Xingang settled down, Quan Jing blinked, and regained his previous clarity, where there was no aloofness and indifference before.

Clothing assistant Xiao Yang stepped forward to help her change.

During this period of time, Quan Jing filmed scenes after demonization.

Wearing magic makeup every day, the makeup is cumbersome, and the clothes are also very heavy.

However, she never complained.

She didn't even snort even if she was filming for a whole day wearing the heavy magic crown.

The people in the crew watched, apart from being distressed, they still felt distressed.

It was also for this reason that Zhao Xingang was very tolerant towards Quan Jing.

After filming for a day, I returned to the hotel arranged by the crew.

As usual, he made a video call to his family. After chatting for a while, Quan Jing hung up the video and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

An Yimo, who came in with the bag, put the bag on the chair, lay down on the bed, and continued to fiddle with something.

When Quan Jing came out, she could only hear her muttering there, looking like she was talking.

She stepped forward, only to hear, "Damn it! These picture-stealing dogs are too worthless!"

Quan Jing, who had never uttered a bad word, was a little speechless when he heard An Yimo's complaints.

An Yimo turned over and met Shang Quanjing's expression that she didn't know how to describe.

She was taken aback for a moment, then got up abruptly, pulled Quan Jing to sit aside, and said in a babbling voice: "...Jingzi, tell me, aren't these people very hateful!"

Quan Jing nodded: "It's disgusting."

An Yimo clapped his hands: "That's right, what's the point of stealing other people's achievements? If you have the ability, you can draw it yourself. A bunch of opportunistic guys, hmph, I want to draw a circle and curse them!"

Quan Jing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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