Chapter 556

In the beginning, it was only the fans who knew that their Mrs. Yu's works had been stolen.

Later, piracy intensified.

Comment areas, post bars, space, circle of friends, Weibo... Feedback areas of pirated websites, all places where the Internet can be accessed, there are people talking about it.

Weibo hot search is even more shocking.

#You under the starry sky of Yutai#
Click on the topic, and the war is raging.

The staff of the pirated website even boasted that they were helping JY-Yu to promote it for free, and the other party should thank them.

Fans: "???" Bah!Don't have too many genuine channels of Youman, are you using your pirated propaganda?
All parties have their own reasons, which led to a scolding battle on Weibo.

Kong Xiao contacted the person in charge of several pirated websites, some of them had a good attitude and agreed to reprint "Starry Sky" off the shelves, while others had a tough attitude and insisted that it was the work of their website, and others had no right to interfere.

Kong Xiao: "???"

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

Okay, is the work on your website right? He wants to see it. The big guy doesn’t update it anymore. Where can they update it?

As if there was nothing he could do to cure them.

On impulse, Kong Xiao directly dialed the landline number of Nangong Yuting.


The phone was connected, but no one answered.

Kong Xiao was dumbfounded.

It took him a long time to realize that the boss probably won't be at work today on Saturday...

Taking a deep breath, he called Feng Zhe again.

The bell rang for about 40 seconds, and Feng Zhe's familiar voice sounded from the receiver: "Hello?"

Concern is chaotic, for a while, Kong Xiao didn't know where to start, and he didn't get to the point after talking for a long time.

Feng Zhe said very tactfully: "Mr. Longya, if you have anything to say, just speak up."

Knowing that he was talking nonsense and the matter could not be resolved, Kong Xiao simply smashed the jar and told all about it.

Listening to the end of his speech, Feng Zhe has mastered the basic information.

He doesn't pay much attention to comics, but he is well aware of the seriousness of piracy.

In particular, someone dared to pirate his boss's comics!It's so daring.

Not to mention the boss's legal team, but Shi Zifan alone can make those people overwhelmed.

Those who don't know are really fearless.

These people are dead!

Feng Zhe knew this truth clearly, but Kong Xiao didn't know it.

He was full of worry: "Boss, please ask Assistant Feng for help, don't let him worry about these things on the Internet."

Feng Zhe: "???" Is this referring to his boss?
Apart from Quan Jing's matter, he really didn't see Nangong Yuting worrying about other things.

After talking with Kong Xiao, he hung up the phone, Feng Zhe thought about it, and still decided to report this matter to his boss.

He always felt that once he concealed something, something big would happen.

JY era.

Manager's Office.

A figure sat upright on the sofa, with a stern face, flipping a document in his hand, and pursed his thin lips slightly.

Beside him, stood a man.

Qiao Shuai rubbed his nose, feeling a little confused.

Why did Young Master Ting come here suddenly?
The atmosphere in the office was very oppressive, Qiao Shuai even stood aside and didn't dare to move.

"When you grow up..." The abrupt music bell sounded.

Nangong Yuting paused with his fingers flipping through the document, lowered his eyes, and landed on the string of numbers jumping on the screen.

He held the file in one hand, picked up the phone in the other, and swiped to answer: "Yes."

On the other side, Feng Zhe went straight to the point: "Boss, your "Starry Sky" has been pirated."

Nangong Yuting's eyes froze, and she subconsciously exerted force while holding the phone with her fingertips.

At that moment, Qiao Shuai seemed to have turned on the air conditioner, making him feel chilly all over.

(End of this chapter)

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