The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 572 You Choose One

Chapter 572 You choose one yourself

Qin Jing is not the only artist under Song Zhen's hands.

In the past, Song Zhen's focus was on Qin Jing, but what happened in the end?
Qin Jing before she became angry, behaved like a grandson in front of her.

With a little fame, he began to sing against her.

As the time progressed, Qin Jing, who was so dazed by fans' pampering, lost her mind to the sky.

But, fortunately, it is harmless, at most she will bother to deal with people.


Han Dongqing signed Quan Jing!

Even Qin Jing and Tang Rushi smeared Quan Jing on the Internet, she only found out later.

Song Zhen couldn't figure it out, it's been ten years since she debuted, why is Qin Jing still acting like a child, so naive?
She thought she was still 17?
After seeing Quan Jing's "Enjoy Music" issue, Song Zhen immediately understood that Quan Jing's future path is beyond Qin Jing's flattery.

This girl is not only good-looking, she is also very smart, and more importantly, she is also talented.

There are many beautiful female stars in the entertainment industry, and there are also many beautiful and smart ones, but there are really not many young girls like Quan Jing who are versatile in almost every aspect.

Sure enough, Qin Jing found fault with all parties in order to prevent Quan Jing from getting along in the entertainment circle.

The results of it?Quan Jing not only was not crushed by her, but went straight up.

At first, she acquiesced to Qin Jing's approach.

After all, Quan Jing is Han Dongqing's artist.

If Quan Jing took another route, she might not care about it.

However, she chose to sing.

She believes that her network is not as wide as that of Han Dongqing.Once Quan Jing grows up, she, as a manager, will not be able to fight for more resources for her artists.

Therefore, she had to seal her under the cradle.

It's a pity...Qin Jing didn't live up to her expectations, let alone understand her painstaking efforts, and confronted her several times, which chilled her heart.

There is no way out now, but she thought of her?
Looking at Song Zhenzhi's candid gaze, Qin Jing felt guilty for no reason.

After a while, Song Zhen took two documents from the table and threw them on the low tea table aside, with a cold expression: "You choose one of these two commercial performances."

Qin Jing picked it up suspiciously and glanced at it.

Seeing the first one, she frowned slightly.

This is the opening of a large shopping mall, and people are specially invited to perform performances to attract customers.

It is not that Qin Jing has never participated in such activities in the past.

It's just that, since she became popular, she hasn't attended again, and she feels that she has lost her identity.

She put it down silently and picked up the second one.

The second is the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the School of Music.

What's more unfortunate is that she just held a concert at this conservatory...

As if Song Zhen couldn't see her entanglement, while flipping through the documents in his hand, he said, "Have you chosen?"

Qin Jing looked up, wanting to say that she didn't want both.

But, afraid that Song Zhen would never care about her again after she refused, after thinking about it, she still chose the first one.

The platoon is a bit small, but it's better than her going to the conservatory of music to be pointed out by others.

Seeing that she had made a decision, Song Zhen casually flipped through two pages, with a calm expression on his face: "Okay, you go back and get ready."

Qin Jing was aggrieved, and said "Okay real sister", she turned and left.

As soon as she left, Song Zhen suddenly raised his head, looked at her back, and shook his head secretly.

If she had been so obedient earlier, she wouldn't be like this now.

Picking up the event that Qin Jing just selected again, Wuyue Plaza will have its grand opening on January 1.

She can also understand why Qin Jing chose this.

She is so good looking.

(End of this chapter)

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