Chapter 573

21 number.

Qin Jing arrived at Wuyue Square at eight o'clock.

Under the leadership of the mall staff, she and Song Zhen went to the preparation room.

At nine o'clock sharp, the mall officially opened.

A wave of people crowded into the mall.

We all know that when a large shopping mall opens, the discount is the biggest on the first day!
Therefore, many people ran over.

In the preparation room, Song Zhen told Qin Jing: "Sing later, don't worry about anything else, leave after singing, understand?"

Qin Jing nodded.

Soon, the host's microphone sounded the name "Qin Jing".

Qin Jing walked onto the stage with a smile on her face, just like what Song Zhen said, she only sang.

At the end of a song, she exited the stage waving her arms.

Indistinctly, Qin Jing seemed to hear someone calling her name.

She looked back, but only saw a group of people gathered there, staring at the stage, waiting to watch the next show.

Qin Jing smiled wryly unconsciously.

Suddenly, she comforted herself in her heart again, this group of people must not know her, that's why they behaved like this.

Thinking of this, she showed a bright smile with confidence again, and returned to the lounge with air.

the other side.

"Emperor Nine Phoenix" crew.

Quan Jing was filming, and An Yimo was checking Weibo.

As she swiped, she saw the news about Qin Jing.

Didn't this woman still target her Jingzi before?
An Yimo secretly clicked in, the hottest news was a short video.

In the video, Qin Jing is singing on stage. The background... seems to be a shopping mall?
By coincidence, An Yimo clicked on the comment.

[Wuli Jingjing sings so beautifully! 】

An Yimo: "???" What?Why can't she hear something nice?
[Ahh, Jingjing is beautiful again today, I am about to fall. 】

An Yimo: "..." What a beauty, with such thick makeup, I don't know how much powder I put on.


In short, An Yimo made complaints about one after reading it.

Qin Jing was almost criticized from the inside out.

Ignoring this person, An Yimo quit Weibo and clicked on Youchuang Comics APP.

Seeing that "Starry Sky" had not been updated as before, she was completely paralyzed.

ah!When will Mrs. Yu revert to it?

Before the court ordered so many websites to compensate JY-yu for infringement fees, some small websites that originally planned to pretend to be deaf and dumb hurriedly contacted Kong Xiao.

Since they couldn't find JY-Yu himself, they had to ask him to edit.

The final result was that within a day, all those pirated versions of "Starry Sky" were taken off the shelves, and there was not even a single scum left on the Internet.

With such high efficiency, manga fans are extremely happy to see it.

Hmph, how dare you steal Mrs. Yu's work, what a shame!
While they were happy, they were also a little bit heartbroken.

Ever since JY-Yu Shuo stopped updating indefinitely, "Starry Sky" really hasn't had a new painting.

Someone contacted Longya, and the answer they got was: It depends on the boss's mood.

Doesn't it just depend on JY-Yu's mood?

It's the ninth day, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon!
JY-Yu's Weibo private message was closed, and no one's message could be sent.

Fans spontaneously leave messages under his comments, and some are dedicated to him.

However, there has never been any response.

Later, I don't know who mentioned the "circle 3 circles"...

As the only person being followed by JY-Yu, it should be a bit of a privilege, right?

An Yimo naturally noticed this when flipping through the comments.

So, when Quan Jing came back from the scene, An Yimo's eyes could not wait to stick to her body.

Quan Jing looked innocent, she thought there was something wrong with her, and was about to look down when An Yimo grabbed her hand: "Jingzi, you must have a way to make Mrs. Yu update, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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