The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 576 Hand over the things

Chapter 576 Hand over the things
The moment Nangong Yuting appeared on the set, the group of women went crazy.

Especially when they saw that Su Ziyu was leading the way in person, they looked at him even more passionately.

Everyone knows that Nangong Yuting stands behind JY Group.

Naturally, Lin Xi and Xu Weiying who came out of the JY era also knew Nangong Yuting.

The two looked at each other respectfully, "Young Master Ting."

The sound of "Young Master Ting" instantly stirred up waves in the crew.

There are even female extras who don't know what these two words represent to ask for information from those who know.

Knowing that Nangong Yuting's identity is so honorable, some people are beating their hearts.

And although the person concerned is in the crew, his heart drifts to the next door...

Guessing that it was almost time, Nangong Yuting told Su Ziyu and left.

Su Ziyu still had to direct the filming, so he didn't see him off, and just said "we'll meet again next time".

Seeing the reluctant eyes of the group of women behind him, Feng Zhe got goose bumps all over his body.

After leaving the film crew, Nangong Yuting stopped at the junction of the two sides.

Behind him, Feng Zhe almost didn't stop and bumped into him.

Samsam stopped a fist away from her boss, Feng Zhe looked respectful: "Boss, what are your orders?"

Nangong Yuting raised her eyes and said softly, "Go."

Feng Zhe: "Huh?"

Nangong Yuting looked disgusted: "It's not convenient for me to go in, you go."

If it wasn't too early just now, he wouldn't have joined the crew.

Yingyingyanyan had too many women, and he didn't like them at all.

If you go in again and be seen by the circle, it's not good.

As expected of Feng Zhe, who has been with Nangong Yuting for a long time, he immediately understood what he meant.

He nodded again and again: "Okay, I'll go and help the boss call Miss Quan Jing out!"


The crew of "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" walked into an irrelevant person for no reason.

Different from "Where I Don't Met You", the actors here are all wearing ancient costumes. For a while, Feng Zhe really couldn't recognize which one was Quan Jing.

Not only that, others have not found it yet, but were discovered instead.

"Who are you? How did you get into the crew!" A sharp female voice stopped Feng Zhe's way.

Seeing the hostile expression of the young woman in front of him, Feng Zhe was full of embarrassment.

He was about to speak when the other party said again: "Paparazzi? Hand over the things."

Feng Zhe: "..." Is there any paparazzi who is dressed so formally?
Does this woman have bad eyesight?
Seeing that he didn't speak, the other party further confirmed that Feng Zhe was a paparazzi.

Just as he was about to call for someone, the field manager came over: "What's wrong?"

The woman's face changed instantly: "Brother Jiang, a paparazzi has sneaked in, and I'm about to drive him out."

The boss of the scene took a look at Feng Zhe, and looked at the woman in front of him with some indescribable words: "Okay, there is nothing else for you here, you can go to work first."

The woman responded, and then gave Feng Zhe a hard look before turning around and leaving.

Feng Zhe, stared at inexplicably: "???"

When the people walked away, Feng Zhe looked at the field manager again, and he didn't plan to look for it himself, and directly explained his reason for coming.

When he heard that the other party was looking for Quan Jing, the scene manager's expression improved a little: "The little fairy is still filming."

Feng Zhe was stunned: "Still filming?" Wouldn't the boss have to wait for a long time...

The scene boss didn't know what Feng Zhe was thinking, so he said "yes", and pointed to a figure not far away to show him.

Even though it was so far away, Feng Zhe couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw it for the first time.

That's...Miss Quan Jing?

(End of this chapter)

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