The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 577 Money is everywhere

Chapter 577 Money is everywhere

10 minutes.

Nangong Yuting didn't see Feng Zhe coming out yet, thinking of deducting his year-end award when he went back, he walked into the crew.

He was anxious to see the circle that he was thinking about, and he didn't care about other things.

As soon as he walked into the set, from a distance, he saw Feng Zhe staring in a certain direction in a daze.

Knowing that Feng Zhe was never someone who would lose his sense of propriety, Nangong Yuting couldn't help squinting his eyes as he followed his line of sight.

In front.

Quan Jing, who was dressed in a black and red magic robe, wore a magic crown, and her demonized makeup was very domineering.

At this moment, she was holding a special long whip in her hand.

In front of her, kneeling a servant girl.


Nangong Yuting's heart trembled when the long whip came down.

Realizing that he was actually startled by Quan Jing's whip, he raised his hand to raise his eyebrows.

However, whether it was in the previous life or in this life, this was really the first time he had watched her act live.

Regardless of Wen Shuwan's influence, Quan Jing does have a talent for acting.


How long has Quan Jing been filming this scene, while Nangong Yuting and Feng Zhe stood there watching for a long time.

"Ka--good! Perfect! Xiao Quanjing, you are amazing!" Zhao Xingang didn't hesitate to praise him at all.

Quan Jing bowed and said "thank you" to the staff politely, and as soon as he walked out, he noticed Nangong Yuting not far away.

She thought she was wrong, and subconsciously rubbed her eyes.

Fortunately, the makeup artist used high-quality cosmetics, so it didn't hurt her to rub it like this.

Seeing the girl's small movements, the corners of Nangong Yuting's mouth curled up.

After not seeing each other for two days, Quan Jing was indescribably happy when the other party suddenly appeared on the set.

Of course, she still remembered that this was the crew, she blinked towards that side, then turned to Zhao Xingang's side: "Director Zhao, can I start the show early today?"

Zhao Xingang was very satisfied with the scene just now, and waved his hands in a great mood: "Okay, okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow."

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Okay."

Then, returning to her rest area, she eagerly started packing her bag.

An Yimo, who was still checking Weibo, looked confused.

No, why is this guy suddenly so active?
Over there, Nangong Yuting was about to leave, but unexpectedly, Zhao Xin just turned around at this moment and saw him too.

He may not know Feng Zhe, but Nangong Yuting... he is more or less familiar with this face.

Zhao Xingang almost fell off the chair in shock.

After finally holding his own, he hurriedly came to Nangong Yuting: "Ting...Young Master Ting? Look, why didn't you tell me when you came, so that I can send someone to pick you up."

Zhao Xingang thought to himself, this god is full of money.

The big money owner who invested 5000 million!

Quan Jing came over with her bag on her back, and saw that Zhao Xin was as obedient as a grandson in front of Nangong Yuting.

Nangong Yuting: "..."

His gaze fell on Quan Jing who was not far away, and he thought to himself: No, I'm about to be discovered.

He warned Zhao Xingang in a low voice.

Unfortunately, at this time, Zhao Xin just made a fool of himself: "Why?"

Seeing Quan Jing who had already walked over, Nangong Yuting shut his mouth.

Quan Jing thought that the two of them had something to talk about, so she didn't bother, called Zhao Xingang, then blinked at Nangong Yuting, and left the set first.

As soon as she left, Nangong Yuting was also preparing to leave.

However, Zhao Xin just stopped him and said a few words.

After holding back for 3 minutes, Nangong Yuting called Feng Zhe and left the set with a cold face.

Walking out quickly, seeing Quan Jing waiting outside the set, the expression on Nangong Yuting's face instantly became gentle...

(End of this chapter)

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